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Assalamu alaykum. To Ashfia, yes the last chapter's verse of the Qur'an was mistype, it should have been hope and not home. May Allah forgive me. Thank you for the correction. The authenticity of the hadith about not telling the secrets of others without permission, I cannot traced as the book I have copied it from did not say whether it's Sahih or not. But In shaa Allah, I will ask those who know better. May Allah grant us all knowledge and guidance. Ameen.

I uploaded this through mobile. In shaa Allah, it gets seen by you.

32. Picture Frame

Zai's POV

The moment I saw Aaron, all I ever wanted to do was to tell him of my broken heart, for him to comfort me and tell me that everything's going to be alright, that he'll help me bring my husband back to his senses. For I am still clinging on to a hope that this is all just a bad dream and that I'll wake up feeling loved again by my one and only Amir.

"I'm sorry but Beautiful is coming with me," Lemuel answered for me.

He made a gesture with his hand for me to continue walking but I couldn't. Aaron's face has always been on my mind on those nights I called out for Amir's name. I hated him for leaving the country, for leaving me to suffer the heartache of my upcoming divorce. I stared at Aaron and he was only gazing at me.

"Then can I come along?" he asked, switching his gaze from me to Lemuel.

"It's business talk," Lemuel said, sounding a bit annoyed.

"Amir instructed me to fetch his wife," Aaron replied, measuring gaze with Lemuel's semi - angry look.

Lemuel smirked before answering.

"Well, Mr. Luqman must be husband material enough to ask that favor from you, isn't he?" Lemuel mused.

That sparked up a pang in my heart. I simply shook my head and decided to dial my husband's number. First, it was Aaron who told me the news of Amir wanting a divorce. And now he's asking Aaron to fetch me from work the moment he arrived back at the city. Is he giving me away? The bitterness of rejection and being unwanted and dismissed started crawling inside me, corrupting all sense of propriety and modesty.

Both men just stared at me while I dialed his number. Amir picked up at the third ring.

"Assalamu alaykum dear future ex husband. I just want to hear from you to confirm that Aaron here, whom we both know had feelings for me in the past was sent by you to fetch me?" I asked, not being able to hide the hurt in my voice.

"Wa alaykumusalam Zai. Yes. I asked him," he timidly replied.
I inhaled a sharp breath and looked at Aaron. By this time, tears were already forming in my eyes.

"Fine. You clearly don't care about me anymore. So be it!" I remarked, raised my voice then ended the call.

I glared at Aaron who now bit his lip. He opened the door of his car, signaling me to get in. While Lemuel's limousine parked behind it. Angela came out and opened its door for us to enter.

"Come on in Zai, I'll take you home," Aaron gently said, his eyes full of worry and concern.

I felt a grip on my arm. It was Lemuel.

"Going home will only add up your stress. Let's have dinner first with Dina and Angs," he offered.

I did not know whose car to climb into. But my wounded heart and pride chose to defy my husband's orders.

"Next time, Aaron do not interfere nor do any favors for my husband, if you knew it would only make me feel bad. I though you knew better," I hissed before climbing into the limousine.

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