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Jazakallahu khair for the more than 7 thousand reads. Alhamdulillah! 

22. Lego Street

Zai's POV

I will not cry. No, I will not shed tears. Because he promised me that he won't ever make me cry again. And if I cry inside this car, it only means that nothing has changed. So Zai, think of happy thoughts. Think of happy thoughts.

But Amir's cold face and his sudden walking out on me kept on flashing back at the back of my mind.

And so, my weak heart could not obey my mind. Hence, I felt my eyes warmed and tears started falling down.

"Where to Miss?" the female driver asked me.

I got some tissue from my purse and wiped my tears away. Where will I go now? I am not in the mood to work at my printing shop with these eyes that will only let my employees think that I have been crying. No one needs to know that I cried.

"At Lego Street please," I told her.

They say that one of the things one can do to be happy, is to make others happy. It's been a while since I've done such things to strangers. As my thoughts made plans on how to make those people secretly happy, I felt my phone vibrated. I opened my purse again.

Hon Calling.

Should I answer?

Let him worry about you Zai. He left you. He literally, abruptly, hurriedly, unhesitatingly left you, in front of Lemuel Qamar and other people at the restaurant there. He was way out of line. His ego was more important than your safety and your feelings. I simply ignore the call and placed it on a silent mode, not wanting to be bothered by it again.


Amir's POV

As soon as I drove away from Sunflower, my sudden guilt and fear swept over my being. So I turned the car around and drove back. But when I got at the restaurant, they weren't there anymore. Where could she be? I dialed her number but she's not picking up.

Darn Amir! You've done it again! You're acting illogical and being indifferent again to your loving wife. You should have not walked out on her, and leave her with a man who obviously finds her attractive. What will I do now?

I dialed her number again, and again and again. Until I have no choice anymore but to simply leave a voice message.

"Assalamu alaykum Hon. I'm.... I'm sorry. Please answer my call. I love you," I said then hang up.

Why can't she just obey me? Why couldn't she understand that as her husband, I dislike, totally dislike hating other men gazed at her. Maybe, it's time to make her understand why. And if she can't? Then .... I might have to force her to do what I want her to do. I'm her husband. And it is part of her Islam to follow what I want.

I sighed heavily then went back to my car. I will just deliver her other cakes and make excuses for her. Then I will wait for her at home. I'll prepare our dinner. And then, I will demonstrate to my wife why defying me is never an option.

Aaron's POV

Woah! I am done with the outer and floor design for Zai's Poetry Lounge. Unbelievable! I must be so inspired. I took another bite of the cake and take a look at my sketch. Tonight, I will finalize the blueprints so I can present this to Amir. Zai is not aware that her husband has asked me to be the architect for this. Amir wanted to pay me for my service but I declined. Making her happy is enough satisfaction for me.

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