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15. An Interesting Morning

Zai's POV

As Kah Ridzmar and I conversed about my niece and nephew, at the back of my mind, I knew that eventually he will ask about how Amir and I were doing. Of course, I cannot tell him of our struggles. As a wife, I should protect my husband. I also don't want any of my family members to think badly of him. What if things will work out between my husband and me, only to be stained by my family's negative perception of him? I should just be quiet and pretend that things are doing okay.

"So Yana's best baby sitter is her own brother? How cute!"

"Yes, he wouldn't even want to sleep in his own room. He has more time for Yana than I."

We both chuckled at his children's cuteness. How I wish I can be a mother too. Perhaps by then Amir and I will get closer and our marriage will get stronger. In shaa Alah.

"So how is my brother-in-law treating you?"

Ridzmar appeared not interested but I know he's just faking it. That has always been his strategy of getting me to talk of things I dislike talking about.

"We're good. Alhamdulillah. All is well," I said, smiling then automatically drinking my ice tea, looking anywhere but him.

"Listen Zai," he said sitting up straight, resting his shins on the table, with a serious look on his face.

"Just because you love someone, does not mean you have to force yourself to stay.."

"Kah, Amir and I are okay. And I know love is not enough reason to stay. When a Muslim man told Umar ibn Al – Khattab (r.a – radiyallahu anhu – may Allah be pleased with him) that he was going to divorce his wife because he doesn't love her anymore. Umar amir al – muhmineen (leader of the believers) told him, "How about rahma (mercy/compassion) towards her?" Love may ran out in a marriage but when mercy with one another is developed, the marriage can last and even get stronger. So I'm not worried Kah. True, there will be misunderstanding but that's just normal. Nothing we cannot handle," I said smiling widely at him, so that he won't get mad at my interruption of his statement.

Ridzmar rested his back on the chair and he seemed convinced.

"Okay little Sister. Just know that I'm here for you."

"I know. Thank you Kah."

We talked for some more until he got a call and I made my way to the nearby mall. I felt like shopping today. Feeling generous, maybe I should buy Cherry a new dress. She has done a lot for me for our business. I know she has been worried and concern about me. But she respects my silence. I miss my best friend but as a married woman, I should prioritize more on repairing my almost broken marriage. I sigh and tried to push the sad thoughts away. I entered Lem's Botique and felt the familiar atmosphere. This was my favorite boutique.

I made my way to the green dress I saw on my right. Hmm, maybe I should give her a call. I turned on my phone and immediately dialed her number.

"Assalamu alaykum!"

"Wa alaykumusalam Zai. Hey, where are you?"

"I'm at the mall, about to buy you a dress. What color would you want green or gray? I prefer the green dress in front of me. I'll send you a picture and let me know right away okay?"

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