Chapter Four: Childs Play

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"Pack a bag, you gon' end up staying where I'm at

Took you from the hood and I could never give you back

I just wanna let you know that someone love you back

All the Cadillac like I'm Teddy Pendergrass

Whippin' on this shit, I'm getting ready, where you at?"

-Drake (Childs Play)


"You'll be staying here until further notice, there's a bathroom to the left of the room...the kitchen is downstairs, and don't go looking through any other rooms unless given permission, understand?" Andrei said once he opened the door to the moderately-sized bedroom with an en-suite attached to it.

It was a pretty neutral room, one of many that we passed in this giant house, I was sure to get lost returning back here.

"Uh...thank you, Andrei," I said politely.

He nodded and turned to leave but I stopped him. "Your men....when they took me, I didn't have my things with me," I informed him.

"Like your clothes and stuff?" He inquired.

I nodded.

"You were in Indianapolis, correct?" He asked.

I nodded again.

"Give me a description of the car."

"It's a dark green, 2003 Toyota Corolla." I gave him the license plate number and the keys to the vehicle even though I was sure they could break into it without a problem, but I did it anyway.

Andrei turned slightly towards the door and spoke, "I'll grab you a couple of things to wear, for the time being, your clothes will be here by the morning." He informed me.

I thanked him once more before he shut the door.

I took a deep breath and walked around the room getting familiar with the space I was going to be spending an unidentifiable amount of time in.

There was a queen-sized bed in the middle of the room, with quilted sheets and over-sized pillows, beside me was a wooden desk with cabinets and a desk lamp, there was also a matching wooden armorer, and two nightstands beside the bed. I walked over to the bathroom and noted the nice-sized bathtub, vanity, and shower.

It seemed normal, everything in the room seemed simple.

I walked back out of the bathroom and sat on the bed patiently waiting for Andrei to return.

A lot of questions rumbled through my mind, the main one being the current occupation of the men living in the house.

I knew for a fact it had to be something shady because what kind of honest living do you make beating up a man in an alleyway about past payments?

The sound of the door knocking erupted me from my thoughts and I looked up.

"Come in," I called out.

The door opened and Andrei reappeared bearing a blouse and some sweatpants.

Poor choice, but it wasn't like I expected a man like him to understand fashion, what I had in my duffel bag was probably no different.

"Here you go." He handed me the clothing and I thanked him.

"Thanks." I looked down at the clothes for a second before looking up at him, "Where did you get women's clothing?" I asked him curiously. I didn't see one female the entire time I had been here, which wasn't long but it had been enough to notice that only men resided here.

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