Chapter Sixteen: Ocean

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"She a fine wahine
Make you catch feelings
I was lost and I wandered but I wound up in the Garden of Eden
She said she like it here in paradise
If life's just one vacation, then there ain't no need to fight
The sun paints those tan lines on you
Ain't no need to be a modest girl
And if you're riding then I wanna catch your wave and
Fly into the sunset in some sort of bad cliché."

-Jon Kuwada (Ocean)


"Get up we're going shopping! You need new luggage and tons of swimsuits!" That was the first thing I heard as I was being shaken awake by Milena at about eight in the morning. I only went to bed about four hours ago, since one of the shipping docks had been raided by the feds it was a bloodbath, some men perished on the scene, others were taken into custody, others had managed to get back in here in time for my team, along with the call-in doctor to get them fixed up.

It was long and tedious and I was hoping to finally sleep in and rest up after the night I just had.

Now here Milena was slamming my body with a pillow attempting to get me up as she talked about "suitcases and swimsuits". Today, I wasn't having it, I wanted my curtains drawn and I would see everyone promptly at twelve pm in the afternoon. Thank you and goodnight.

"Come on Kae, we're working on borrowed time. We have to be out of the house by five!" She exclaimed. I groaned turning around and pulling the sheets over my head, "What are you talking about?" I asked her curiously.

"The shoot-out yesterday. The group needs to lay low, we're switching housing locations and that means we need to get you luggage so we can be out of here on time. My brother is serious about this." She said and I could tell in her voice she wasn't making anything up. I sighed deeply, I knew being part of an organization like this had consequences and this seemed to be one of them.

Just up and packing to get the hell out of one location to another.

I pushed the sheets away from my face and sat up. "Where are we going?" I inquired.

"Some boutiques, possibly the mall..." She began, but I stopped her.

"No, I meant like where are we moving to?" I clarified.

Milena brushed her hair back, "Oh...the house in Miami. So, we need to pack warm." She stated.

Woah, I've never been to Florida before.

I couldn't lie I was a little excited. I hadn't really traveled anywhere outside of Chicago, this was the longest I've been anywhere but the home I grew up in and I was still kind of getting to know Atlanta a bit, but this change seemed to be well-needed after all the chaos that has been happening lately. The gangster gala had only happened a few days ago, yet it's been non-stop men piling into my care for treatment of their injuries. I guess warmer weather did bring more destruction as Andrei liked to put it.

"I'll be ready in fifteen minutes," I informed her. Milena nodded and left the room without another fuss. I sighed deeply and tossed the sheets of my body and headed straight for the bathroom.

A quick shower, teeth brushing, and getting dressed, I was ready to head out with Milena.

I had on a simple white blouse, black slacks, and flats on. I tied my hair into a ponytail. I felt I looked presentable, I wore this kind of attire around the housekeeping the professionalism whenever I did my work. Once I made it down the stairs, Milena who had on some designer jeans that hugged her slim figure, an oversized sweater that she slightly tucked into the jeans, and some combat boots to finish the outfit, looked me up and down and shook her head.

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