Chapter Sixty-Nine: Come And Get Your Love

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"Hail (hail)

What's the matter with you? Feel right
Don't you feel right baby?
Hail, oh yeah
Get it from the main vine, all right
I said a-find it, find it
Go on and love it if you like it, yeah
Hail (hail)
It's your business, if you want some, take some
Get it together, baby

Come and get your love
Come and get your love
Come and get your love
Come and get your love."

-Redbone (Come And Get Your Love)



"Mr. Tavana... the woman you hired is here for you." I looked up from my seat where my nose was deep in a book I was highly focused on; I had almost forgotten that I had requested a woman from this escort service named the Tasty Silk. It was located here in Chicago where I had come for a few business ventures. I didn't fancy being in America much, with all the watching and prying eyes I always had to watch how I conducted myself. Everything must be done privately and seamlessly, I didn't need any problems right now, especially not for my family.

            "Send her in." I brought my face back down into my book, losing my thoughts within the words of the hardcover. It was a very interesting read speaking about the health effects of people and how generational trauma carries through the DNA causing later issues with people's ancestors. I decided since it was going to be my last couple of days in Chicago, I could at least indulge myself in some intimacy. It had been quite some time since I've felt anything decent; divorcing my wife was a tough decision, but in reality, necessary.

            There was no love between us, no chemistry... simply a child. My son, Mahid. I love my son, but I loved him enough that I realized there was no reason to pretend being with his mother brought me joy when in fact it brought me nothing but emptiness. She would always be taken care of, I would make sure of that but our time together was finished. Now that both of our fathers have died there was no reason for us to live to this obligation of being together anymore; we both got what we wanted out of the relationship.

            Being in a high-intensity job, taking over after my father was a big responsibility and at times I needed to relieve my frustration, so why not indulge when I can before get back to the reality of my life in Iran?

            I could hear the sounds of the woman's heels clicking against the floors of the hotel room I was staying in. I barely looked up gesturing for her to get comfortable on the bed. "I'll be a moment, make yourself at home," I said continuing to read the passage.

            Happiness can also be passed through DNA, one must exhibit that and feel it internally in order for it to pass through and stream positivity to later generations.

            That was a fascinating concept to grasp. I wondered to myself if I would be able to feel that kind of happiness that would lead me to pass the same to my offspring and then their offspring. Could it be possible? Or was it a simple theory?

            "A Riley Jefferson fan, huh? I love his books, especially that one. It really tackles the issues of passing down phobias, chronic issues, depression... you know the likes to your generations." The woman's voice caught me off-guard causing me to look up in confusion. The moment I locked eyes with her, I could feel as if my entire body had stiffened, my breathing had increased, a slight sweat forming at the bridge of my hairline. When I had asked Eddie Silk's business to send me their best woman, I wasn't aware they were employing Goddesses. The woman in front of me embodied the vision of the painting "the birth of Venus" and she was standing right in front of me.

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