Chapter Twenty-One: Dior

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"Please don't come out your mouth, you know I'm like that
I'll make a movie like TNT
Nappy Blue wildin' in my section
And I keep that .38 for the weapon
Remember when I came home from corrections
All the bad bitches in my direction."

-Pop Smoke (Dior)


I left for one minute. One fucking minute! And everything managed to go to shit. Just imagine my surprise as I'm having a conversation with the manager I hired to overlook this place in my absence and all of a sudden, we hear gunshots fire from the outside. I quickly sprinted out of the office and headed straight for where I had left Kae. I had to make sure both her and my sister were okay, they were both unarmed and with our associates probably rushing to see where the bullets were flying, they were vulnerable and needed to be protected.

Luckily, I found them both around each other. Without thinking, I handed Kae my side firearm and ushered both her and Milena to the managerial room. I needed to make sure they were safe before going out to do my own investigation. There was chaos all around us, girls running and screaming, tons of pushing but I navigated the floor with ease. It was easy to have tunnel vision in moments like this. I had grown up in chaos all my life, unfortunately, I had been accustomed to situations like this. There would be times I remembered imagining my life at a calmer pace. Hell, when Kae and I were talking about the kind of person I was my mind instantly flew to the kind of place I'd rather be. Boring to some, I know but if all your life you had to live in fear of people killing you, tormenting, stealing, killing your loved ones, the last thing you would want is to surround yourself in that. I was sick of it, but I had no choice to stay because I made a blood oath to this Bravata.

For so long I had only seen a dark tunnel with a never-ending loop taking me to nowhere. All my dreams and hopes all swallowed whole in this dark vortex of no return. Meeting Kae was like seeing the light of that tunnel and I was inching so close to get to that light, to see what was at the end of that tunnel.

She meant more to me than she could ever imagine, but in order to preserve that....

I had to protect her.

My sister as well, she could hold her own but as her older brother, I had a responsibility. A responsibility to our mother to keep herself and away from danger such as this.

"Here, you both stay in here until I figure out what's going on." I went into one of the shelves on the wall and pulled out another gun and handed it to Milena who automatically locked and loaded it.

I began walking to the door, "Don't open for anyone. I will text you if I'm outside the door." I stated. The girls both nodded and my eyes lingered on Kae's eyes a bit longer before closing and locking the door; I had the key, so they would be fine for the most part and if pushed came to shove, I showed them both how to handle a gun.

Once I stepped outside of the managerial office, the place seemed to have clear up more, but gunshots continue to run clear. I immediately knew this was a staged attack. I had growing suspicions that there were possible moles within the group, so I began tightening ship, firing and suspending anyone that I believed was a weak link, especially with a hot drug case back in Atlanta, for anyone to be attacking us at the Miami club had to be leading a trail for them to find us.

I got my gun ready and began slowly and steady walking around the club securing spots that a person could be hiding in to get a cheap shot in. Luckily for me, there weren't any heads I had to pop or bash into a wall; it made it easier for me to keep my suit fairly clean.

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