Chapter Sixty: Glamorous

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"Wear them gold and diamonds rings

All them things don't mean a thing
Chaperons and limousines
Shopping for expensive things

I be on the movie screens
Magazines and bougie scenes
I'm not clean, I'm not pristine
I'm no queen, I'm no machine

I still go to Taco Bell
Drive through, raw as hell
I don't care, I'm still real
No matter how many records I sell

After the show or after the Grammies
I like to go cool out with the family
Sippin', reminiscing on days
When I had a Mustang
And now I'm in..."

-Fergie ft. Ludacris (Glamorous)


I never considered myself the type to browse shopping center for hours on end looking at and purchasing high-end luxury goods at my heart's desire. That being said, tapping into my feminine-side was something completely out of nature for me so I felt really awkward about it. I think Dubai could agree with that statement, but D.C. seemed to be enjoying herself quite well as we followed Sabien around to these luxury brands to purchase under our father's black card. Sabien was actually pretty talented in picking things out for us.

"I can't believe you guys came to Dubai with only a few pairs of t-shirts and jeans!" Sabien exclaimed with a shake of her head as if she could not believe what we had told her earlier when we were getting dressed to come to the Mall of Emirates.

"We were heading to a mission, not a fashion show, dear." Glasgow sighed as she tossed her long jet-black hair to the side of her shoulder. Her eyes were scanning some of the stores we were walking by, a few of her own shopping bags in her hands as my father did extend his generosity to all of my division members. I'm sure with all my father has shown that he owns and controls, this little shopping spree with my sister and my friends wasn't drying his pockets much, if at all.

Sabien looked over her shoulder giving everyone a once stare, "But I'll put money on that you're actual closest are probably something similar, hm?" She questioned.

"Maybe." Beijing was the one to answer, just like D.C. she was taking full advantage of the generosity, you would've thought they weren't in that German bank heist with us the way they were smiling so hard with all the gifted items. But I was happy they were happy, after all, I was dragging them around with my family when they could be off doing whatever they wanted.

"What about you?" I found myself asking my little sister.

Sabien turned around again, "What about me?" She questioned.

I shrugged, "Do you usually shop like this back in South Carolina?" I questioned her.

I hadn't gotten much of chance yet to get to know more about Sabien because of all that was going on around us, we were almost doing group activities so the time to privately speak never dawned upon us. She did say she had something planned for just the two of us pretty soon and a chance to sit down with Mahid and get to know him some more; it was so odd knowing I had two other siblings now. Before it was just Tariq and I before he died, then the majority of my life I lived as if I were an only child, now I had two other pieces of me that I felt somewhat disconnected to due to the time we've spent apart. I know it was wrong to say but my Odyssey team had become like my surrogate family... like my sisters. I trusted them, I loved them, and I most definitely would kill for them.

It was nothing for me to run off at moment's notice for them because I been with them almost every day for three years straight, it was second-nature. But being with Sabien and Mahid, even in private settings was like learning how to walk again, or maybe swimming in the ocean when you've only been in a pool for your entire life.

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