Chapter Forty-Eight: Voodoo

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"Put my forearm in a sling, pen game Dr. Sues

This that buy and buy, how'd you get so fucking cool?
Had to heel-toe out my body to tell the truth
Nigga feeling like I never catch them, that's the fuel
I've been here since the beginning like I promised you

Feeling like the new nigga in my city

So conflicting fool, you thought you knew what to do with me, uh
I've been on the rule
I've been out here getting baptized with the wave
It's a new vision, can you dig it?
Feeling like the new nigga in my city
So confusing fool, you thought you knew what to do with me, uh
I've been on the rule
I've been out here getting baptized with the wave
It's a new vision, can you dig it?"

-Spillage Village (Voodoo)


The inside of the palace was beautiful, it was adorned with everything gold. Gold chandeliers, golden floors, vases, flowers...everything was covered with riches. As I walked through the doors that opened before me, I could see in the distance, a woman. She was resting against her throne looking unbothered and confident...waiting for me.

I walked towards her, the sounds of my boots hitting the floors echoed throughout my ears and the inside of the walls. I had to wonder where I was, it was so beautiful in here and pristine. Anyone would feel jealous walking into this space and seeing how perfect everything looked. The further and further I stepped towards the woman, the more power I could feel exuding from her.

The moment her eyes found mine, she sat up in her throne gazing at me with inept curiosity. I stopped just shy of where her chair stood on a pedestal with three steps lining up in front of it; the only distance separating where I stood and where she sat. I immediately bowed in front of her, my head and eyes facing the floor; I was too unworthy to look at her. I rested my head there until her soothing voice called out to me.

"Lift your head, Riny." Her voice ordered me.

I remained on my knees, picking my head up slowly to meet her face.

It was me.

But she looked so beautiful, healthy, strong, confident, and positive I could use so many adjectives to describe her and all of them would make sense at the moment. How did she get there? I wondered to myself. Did she conquer kingdoms? She had to have to due to her immense wealth.

She was a queen.

"Thank you for having me, your highness," I said to her respectfully.

I could not take my eyes away from her, especially on that golden crown she wore on her head. It featured many diamonds, gems such as rubies, emeralds, sapphires, and more. All of them sparkling and reflecting off the bright sunlight that cascaded from the roof-light of the castle.

She nodded towards me, "Stand." She ordered me.

I did as she asked picking myself up and standing before her.

"You are quite beautiful, my queen." I complimented her taking in her prestigious wardrobe. She was wearing a beautiful lilac-colored dress that poured to the floor in the same sparkling fabric. I never thought to see myself be the one comfortable in a dress. I would wear them, but rarely did I ever feel like I was "meant" to be in one.

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