Chapter Forty-Nine: Send It Up

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"Rockstar bitch call me Elvis

M.O.B, she call me selfish
Success got 'em jealous
Shorty's killing, while I'm drilling
Tattoos, how they break the news
It was real if you made the news
Last night my bitches came in twos
And they both suck like they came to lose
Dropped out the first day of school
Cause niggas got cocaine to move
I be going hard, I got a name to prove
Killing 'em, honey how I make the pain improve

We can send this bitch up, it can't go down
We can send this bitch up, it can't go down
We can send this bitch up, it can't go down
We can send this bitch up, it can't go down."

-Kanye West (Send It Up)


"You came."

"I did."

She stood in front of me in an entirely black-suite military-like uniform. In her arms, she carried a high-grade rifle and her face was mostly covered by a mask, keeping the slit of her eyes as the only indicator of her identity. I had waited to see if I would hear back from her about the whole kidnapping situation, texting to see if she were going to come help like she said she would at the gala, she had given me a vague response such as, "I will be coming soon." Prior to her showing up to my door, I had been completely stressed and wound-up, hitting a road-block was an embarrassment to me, my sister's life was at stake.

And I had failed her as her brother.

I was supposed to protect her.

I moved my body from the front door and allowed her to pass through, the sounds of her heavy combat boots hit the floor strategically, the quiet house immediately filled up with the sounds of her walking through. I watched as Kae looked around very slowly, her steps further bringing her deeper into the house. She stuck her head into the hallway looking around suspiciously before turning back to me.

"Where is everyone?" She asked.

"Everyone?" I questioned closing the door behind me, I stood patiently as she elaborated.

"Your men.... the cook.... the pregnant woman."

"Anastasia and Irina...." I scratched the back of my head awkwardly, "Anastasia is probably out grocery shopping and Irina is presumed up in her suite with her child." I explained to her.

She nodded. "Your men?" She asked again.

"They're around as per usual in different sections of the house," I said to her.

She remained silent for a moment, she shifted the rifle in her hand and pulled out a cellphone. She quickly typed something into it and put it back into her many pockets in her pants. "I need all of your men in the foyer right now." She ordered.

I furrowed my brow, "You do?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yes." She replied.


"Andrei, we are wasting precious time." She said sounding a bit bothered by my inquiry.

I swallowed hard. "Alright...I'm on it," I said leaving her in the foyer. I had to go up in my surveillance room to see where everyone was at and then pick them out of each room by the handfuls. They were confused as to why everyone had to meet at the foyer, especially Nikita who had been downstairs sparring with a few of the guys. He had his shirt slung over his shoulder, his body still glistening with sweat as he made himself comfortable by the wall. Kae was standing on the third step of the house as her eyes scanned the men filling up the foyer one by one. She hadn't said anything as the men continued pilling in, her eyes very alert.... watching.

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