Chapter Fifteen: Chocolate

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"Oh yeah

I need a, I need a

Sweet escape

Compliments to your mother

Know how to treat a good woman

My holiday

You changed up the weather

Making everything better

My warm embrace

My cup of holy

Loving the way you hold me

It's safe to say

That I could do this every day."

-Kiana Ledé (Chocolate ft. Ari Lennox)


"I'm impressed by this gala, I do have to say Alexei seeing you step up after your father's passing is admirable." The main leader of the Iranian mafia swished his glass of scotch as he gazed at me with an inept curiosity. He exuded power even when doing the slightest of actions, the party was moving all around us at a fast-pace but in his presence, time was slow and non-existent. A man of power always stopped time.

Omid Tavana's eyes were like sun fire staring daggers at me, but I was great at keeping myself composed. If there was any competition worthy of comparison between any of the mafia bosses here at this gangster gala it was between him and I. Unfortunately, my Bravata was not quite at the financial level as Omid's regime was. With over a hundred billion to his name, he was the factor behind drug trafficking and most importantly illegal gun sales.

Most, if not all mafias were at his whim when it came to receiving weaponry and ammunition safely and securely oversees. It was always in everyone's best interest to stay on his good side. A side that my father had always told me to stay on even if it meant sacrificing some of your men in the process. Omid wasn't a man to be played with, all it took was one offense and just like that, you would find yourself in the middle of a war.

And you were the target.

"Thank you, he's taught me everything I know. I strive to be even a better leader than he was." I cleared my throat and finished off my drink, placing the empty glass to my side where a small table rested. We were well into the party and I still hadn't gotten my dick sucked yet, I wasn't expecting Omid himself to turn up to the gala, maybe his "less intimidating" son, but now the red carpet had to be rolled out. It would be rude of me to leave him while we were having this conversation to get a piece of ass. I would have to wait until he was finished with me in order to move onto other things.

Omid nodded his gaze slowly trailing over the guests at the event. "Yes, yes...being better is always the goal to achieve in this line of work." He stopped looking at the festivities and threw a narrowed and pointed gaze at me. I sat up a bit straighter wondering what was going through his head at this moment, surely, I couldn't have said something to piss him off.

"Alexei, do you know what is the strongest part of the mafia?" He questioned me curiously.

I arched my eyebrow in confusion at the question, then leaned back as I instantly had an answer.

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