Chapter 1

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"Sonic, can you please tell me."

"No Tails, I'm not gonna tell you anything." I have tried practically everything ever know to mobian kind to get Sonic to talk about his past. But every single answer is the same.

"Pleassssseeeee." I put my hands together in front of my face.

"My past is something that I just don't want to share." he said before running off... again.

"Wow Tails, I've never seen you this persistent before." said Knuckles coming to stand beside me.

"Yeah, if anything I would expect Amy to be the persistent one." said Rouge standing beside Shadow.

"HEY!" she said taking out her hammer

"Well, it's true hun. You would do anything to make him your boyfriend."

"And I will make him mine." she put her hammer away and I face-palmed

"Sonic knows all about our pasts but we barely know anything about him." I said turning to everyone.

"Maybe Sonic doesn't want to talk about his past because he doesn't remember anything about it." said Silver standing next to Blaze

"I agree with Silver." said Blaze

"Or what if his past really is that bad that he doesn't want to talk about it?" said Shadow crossing his arms over his chest.

"It just seems strange with the way he keeps trying to dodge the question time and time again." I said rubbing my arm.

"I've always wanted to say this, but how about we capture him and force him to tell us his past." Knuckles said full of pride

"But won't Sonic just run away or try to fight back." said Blaze

"He won't fight back cause he doesn't want to hurt us meaning we'll have the upper hand." Rouge said putting her hands on her hips.

"Do you, by any chance, have a tranquilizer?" asked Shadow

"Yes, but why would you want that for?"

"To make capturing Sonic a whole lot easier." answered Silver

"I don't think this is a good idea guys." I was getting a little wary of this. "Sonic wouldn't want to keep anything secret from us but this is his past we're talking about here. There has to be a reasonable explanation for why he doesn't want to talk about his past." I looked down at the ground while holding my namesakes.

"Think about it Tails. Like you said, he knows all about our pasts but we barely know anything about him. Wouldn't you like to know more about your brother?" asked Knuckles putting his arm over my shoulders

"I guess."

"Alright, then you can go get the guns so we can head out and get Sonic." said Amy full of glee. I walked back to the house with everyone right behind me. 'I still think this is a bad idea.'

Sonic's p.o.v.

That was a close one Sonic. I heard Dark scald me yet again You really have to be careful.

I agree with Dark. said Hyper in a whisper

As do I. Darkspine added in

'Hyper, Darkspine, Stop that the both of you. Why don't you try being me for a day?'

Can't I? Fleetway said


No harm in asking.

The only thing we have left is our past and yet they have been asking about it none stop. When are they going to stop? asked Werehog getting angry

'Super? You there?' I thought

I'm here Sonic, any questions?

'I don't know what to do now.'

Why don't you take a rest. You've been running all day long. Not to mention you haven't gotten a good night's rest since your so called friends have been asking you that stupid question.

'So called?'

They aren't your true friends if they can't accept who you are now and won't let the question slide. I heard Exe say

'I guess you're right.'

Just rest, knave. Your pushing yourself to far and might collapse from exhaustion. I heard Excalibur say

'Stop calling me knave and I'll rest only when I feel safe. Which I know I'm not.' I heard Super sigh before everything went quiet again.'

Will it make you feel safer if we put up the barrier? I heard him ask

'It might.'

Dark, Excalibur your with me. Can you stop for a second Sonic? I stopped and just like that the three of them appeared before me.

"Won't they see you?"

"Your always forgetting. *Facepalms* Only you can see us whether we like it or not. With anyone else, we can show ourselves if we want." Dark said

"Rest up there Sonic." Super was pointing up to a tree branch. I jumped up to the branch and looked down at them

"What are you waiting for? An invitation? Go to sleep." Dark said pointing at me.

"Your not my mother." I muttered out while laying down

"If you ever did have a mother." he crossed his arms over his chest and I glared at him.

"Don't get angry at him Sonic. No matter how big of an idiot Dark is." Super said while also glaring at him.

"Hey, at least I'm truthful." He put his hands up in defence, taking a step back.

"Sleep knave." Excalibur said

"They will never understand. Will they?" I muttered out again, looking at the sky.

"You will always be a weapon of mass destruction to us." I glared at Dark again. Super slapped him upside the head.

"What was that for!?" He said looking at Super

"We're trying to get him asleep and your acting like a jerk, like always. That's what!" Excalibur scolded him. Super floated up to me.

"It doesn't matter what they think now. All it comes to is what your actions will be now. We will protect you at all costs even if it means losing our lives."

"Thanks, Super." I smiled at him

"It's our job to protect the one who we were created with. Threw thick and thin, we are always going to be with you no matter what. So, you don't need to thank me." he said putting a hand on my shoulder as I fell asleep.

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