Chapter One~ Edited

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I sighed in contentment as the wind blew my blonde hair around my face. I usually hated when that happened but this time it was welcome. The seagulls squawked loudly and one that was particularly curious lurked a meter away from me, assessing if I had any food to feed it. I wouldn't have fed it anyway, it was well known that if you give into a seagull it'll never leave you alone.

 I watched as the clear blue waves rolled over each other in a hauntingly beautiful rhythm creating white foam and never missing a beat. They started way out in the ocean folding in on themselves, creating a ripple effect. Eventually they ended on the sandy shore where they dissolved. The sand under my bare feet was warm and tickled, The grainy texture was slightly irritating but I managed to look past that to not ruin my inner peace. The ocean was peaceful today, not too many people around stirring a fuss with screaming children, tents crowding the sand and no boats out on the sea sailing. I was happy not too many people were out; it made my experience all the more better.

'Dude you coming or what?' Naomi's obnoxious voice interrupted my serenity. I gave her an annoyed stare and she waved sarcastically. Naomi was one of my best friends, I had met her when we were children and had remained close three years after high school. She was always there for me and although she gave terrible advice she never went back on her word.

'Where are we going?' I had missed my friend groups entire conversation. I was too busy enjoying nature to really care. It had been a while since I stepped foot on a beach. I suppose some would think that was rude of me, to not be paying attention, but I was a pretty spacey person and my friends were used to it by now.

She laughed at me. 'To get ice-cream, duh.' And gestured over towards the bright pink ice cream truck with a cheesy ice cream cartoon giving me the thumbs up, trying to lure me in. It almost worked, too. Marketing at its finest.

I shook my head. 'Nah I've had way too much ice cream the past week. You guys go.'

She shrugged her shoulders with a smile. 'Your loss. We'll be right back.'

I watched the four of them leave. I loved my friends, but sometimes I just preferred to be alone for a moment with my thoughts. We were all currently on holiday together for a few months at Naomi's beach house in Rosebud. It had only been a week but so far it was pretty great being able to hang out and blow off steam together. I had been drunk at least twice and those photos would haunt me forever. 

Shifting on the rock I was sitting on, I tried to get more comfortable. Its sharp edges were starting to bother me so jiggled around for a moment. Satisfied, I resumed admiring the sea. A photo would be a nice way to capture the moment so I took out my Samsung phone to do exactly that. Right as I was positioning the camera for a perfect snap shot, I was jolted forward off the rock suddenly onto my knees and dropping my phone onto the sand.

'What the hell,-' I started angrily. Serenity over.

'I am so sorry.' It was a young guy who looked about my age plus a few years, so about twenty - four. He had dark shaggy hair and slightly darker skin- perhaps Asian? He was shirtless and the rest of his buddies were laughing and hounding the guy who had kicked the football into my back. They looked anything but sorry.

I glared up at him. 'It's fine. There's your ball.' I made no move to pick it up for him, instead grabbing my phone and wiping the sand off it.

His features transformed into irritation and before I could give in to feeling guilty and grab it for him, he snatched it up himself. 'Thanks for nothing.' He muttered and stalked off with the ball. Yeah, because I was going to prioritise your dirty ball above my sandy phone.


I felt the pain in my back from being a live target and tried to massage it out as best I could.My back was already shit from my poor posture, since I was on holiday perhaps getting a massage would be worth it? Then again, did I really want a stranger touching my bare skin? I stopped my rampart thoughts as my eye caught sight of something flickering in the water a little way out. It looked like the end of a tail as it dived into the water silently. It was a strange translucent blue and slightly curly at the tips. I felt sad, I possibly missed out on seeing a dolphin. I loved dolphins.That fin was way too translucent and thin to be a dolphins. My mind theorised. I was a huge conspiracy theorist and I loved mysteries, often I would have to call my mind out for being a little too paranoid. I had to laugh at myself. What else would it have been? Of course it belonged to a dolphin. A moment later I heard my name being called.

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