Chapter Twenty-Seven

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At the sight of Cece laying in the white hospital bed Naomi had broken down crying. It was obvious she felt awful about not being there for her friend when Cece needed her. No matter how many times we told Naomi that it was okay, we forgave her and we would always love her she wouldn't believe us. It only served to make me feel even worse about keeping my Mermaid secret. If Naomi new she wouldn't feel this badly, but I couldn't tell them. They would think I was a joke.

Sophia didn't say a word the whole visit. She sat next to the bed holding Cece's hand and staring blankly at the bed sheets. Sophia wasn't the greatest at dealing with her emotions and seeing her friend like this must have been really confronting for her.

Lila watched the monitors intently, as if hoping beyond hope that our presence would jerk Cece out of her comatose state. That Cece would wake up feeling back to her normal self and none of this would matter. Lila didn't want to miss even the tiniest blip on the monitor that would indicate life. I was scared she would never blink again.

The whole room smelt like antiseptic and made feel even more nauseous on top of my guilt and anxiety and stress. The room was also white and clinical, it made us all feel out of place. Cece shouldn't be in this room with no colour, no life. Cece was full of life and passion- her room should have been filled with rainbows painted on the walls and cards saying get well soon and baskets full of sweets.

I forced myself not to cry and take note of her exact symptoms. I had to make sure that I'd selected the correct healing potion. The wrong one could be the difference between her getting better, or dying completely. Her eye lids fluttered every now and then. Her lips looked pale and her skin was dry. I made a mental note to put some sort of moisturising agent in the potion.

Naomi wept. Sophia squeezed Cece's hand. Lila stared at the monitor.

I closed my eyes and mouthed everything I wanted to say to her without speaking them. I should have kicked Kalum out the moment I felt something was off about him, I should not have hesitated for I was the only one who knew what deep secrets he was keeping. I'm sorry this happened to you Cece but I will make sure you are returned home safely, I promise.

When I opened my eyes I felt a new wave of confidence flow within me.

'Hey guys,' I spoke softly, watching Cece. They all turned to see me. 'Cece's going to make it.'

Naomi sniffled. 'H-how do yo-you know that?'

I smiled at her. 'I have a feeling.'

'A feeling?' Sophia blanched. 'You're trying to reassure us on a feeling?'

I kept smiling and shrugged. I would get the potion done; I knew it. 'Yep.'

Sophia narrowed her eyes at me in confusion, she was trying to work out what I knew that she didn't. It was written all over her face.

'Well,' Lila mumbled. 'There is evidence to suggest instincts are real.'

'Exactly Lila.' I beamed. 'She's going be herself again, I promise.'

Once again, I could feel the looks of confusion but I no longer cared. They would just have to live with the knowledge that I knew something they didn't.

'Okay girls.' Naomi wiped away her last tears. 'We've been here a while; we should probably go.'

'Yeah they'll be closing for the night soon.' Sophia sighed and gave Cece's hand one last squeeze.

'Okay, let me go to the bathroom really quick then.' Lila said and walked off; Naomi followed her.

'You know, I think I'll bring the car around. It'll just be easier.' Sophia sighed and smiled at me. 'Will you be alright here?'

Fantasy Tales Series: Rise of The MerfolkWhere stories live. Discover now