Chapter Five~Edited

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I woke up with a surge of happiness pulsing through my veins. It was all a dream! I was in the clear and didn't have to stress a moment longer over magical mystical forces. I tore the sheets back on the bed back to stare at my feet and wiggle my toes. I was elated. As much as being a mermaid in theory sounded amazing, I now knew there were strings attached and I didn't want to shoulder that responsibility of a prophecy. I also didn't like the idea of having to always hide who I was from everyone around me.

I darted out of bed and skipped happily over to my bathroom. A hot relaxing bath would be the best way to celebrate my humanness. I would add some bubbles and put on some light music, when I got out of that bath I was going to be so soothed I would be a new person. As I left the water running, I undressed and added some colourful bath salts. These would ease out any remaining tensions. I hopped into the water and sighed. The hot water was like a blanket as it wrapped around me. I didn't have baths often but I could fall asleep right here right now if I really wanted too. 

When I felt the tingling in my legs, I thought it was my legs losing circulation. I tried to move my legs around to get the blood flowing through my limbs but froze when I saw the bright blue glow surrounding me. Oh great, I thought, not a dream. I was no longer relaxed and stared as the soft blue glow hummed. It was very peaceful to watch and I gazed in complete fascination as my legs vanished and merged into a long, graceful aquamarine tail. It hung over the side of the bath since it was so big. The weight of the tail dragged me down to the water and I just stopped my head from going under. I whipped my gaze over to the door just to make sure I was smart enough to lock it, which I was. Instantly my elated mood dropped. I struggled to sit upwards again. The one thought that kept repeating over and over in my mind was that;

The mermaid dream, wasn't a dream. I had actually sprouted a tail. 

Still, it amazed me how this was at all possible. The psychics words of explanation came rushing back to me all at once. I still didn't think I could possibly be the one of prophecy, but iv'e been wrong before. I caught myself smiling as I admired my tail. How many people would kill for this to happen to them? How many people dreamt of being able to swim with the dolphins or dive deep enough beneath the waves to see corals never discovered. My best guess was that I could probably do all of that and more.

I had to learn to control the transformation, that was critical. If I was ever going to be able to live with this change I needed to know how to stop myself from transforming or how to get back to legs. I knew I could, I did it back on the beach. So, if I could control when I got my legs back logically it meant I could control when I sprouted a tail. That kind of control would come in handy in my day to day life. Avoiding water at all costs just wasn't realistic. Then my tail would always remain hidden, my secret safe. 

My thoughts were interrupted by a fist knocking on my bathroom door. My heart stumbled into my chest. 'Aqua it's Naomi.' She called.

I tried to keep my tone steady so she wouldn't think I was stressing out. 'I'm having a bath.' I called back, voice hitching slightly. 'What's up?'

'The others and I want to go on a sightseeing trip today. Soph is driving, want to come?'

My tail twitched and I became entranced with its beauty. 'What are we tourists?' I bit out sarcastically. 

'Duh.' Came her reply. I snickered.

 'I wouldn't miss it. When are we leaving?'

'About an hour.'

'Perfect.' I shouted back at her. I heard her footsteps walk off and relaxed. Now I just had to get my legs back before the meeting time. How long did it take back at the beach? I recalled picturing myself as a human with legs and completely relaxing all my muscles to transform back. Perhaps It would work now? I was a lot less stressed about what was happening. Although it was still very strange, but weirdly cool. Until I knew how to get rid of it, I had to assume the change was permanent. 

Fantasy Tales Series: Rise of The Merfolkحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن