Chapter Thirty-Seven

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'Kalum you son of a bitch!' I yelled into the phone. How dare he? He just couldn't back off and move on with his life.

'Careful,' He tutted. 'You insult me and your loud-mouthed friend here gets it.' I heard whimpering over the phone. It was Sophia in pain. I couldn't stop the horrific images if torture flashing through my mind. He could be doing anything to her.

'Don't you lay a finger on her!'

'You see, I need that shell. It's been my life's work. So, here's your choice- meet me at the beach and hand it over, then I'll let her go.' I heard menace in his voice. He was an evil man and I knew that this didn't even scratch the surface of what he was capable of. I didn't really want him to show me how low he was willing to sink.

'Deal.' I snapped. 'Make sure she's unharmed.'

He clicked his tongue. 'I suppose It's only fair. Meet me in half an hour mermaid.' He sneered at me.

'Mermaid?' I heard Sophia shout. 'Aqua what's happen,'

'Shut it bitch!'

I heard Sophia give a blood curdling scream and then Kalum ended the call. What the hell happened to unharmed? I was left standing in the middle of the street, baffled and scared. In the end Kalum hadn't decided to come after me, he had gone for Sophia. I got chills and knew I had no time to waste. Of course, I couldn't give him what he wanted- I didn't know what the shell was but if he was willing to kill for it then it must have been powerful and that kind of power couldn't get in the wrong hands.

I could always give him a fake- but surely Kalum would know? I could lie and make him hand Sophia over first then run away, I doubted he would be so stupid. This whole time Kalum had played it smart and manipulative.

Screw him. I was a Mermaid god dam it and I wasn't about to give in to him. I was going to go bat shit on his ass. Sophia would be safe and the shell would still be mine. Then I could figure out what the fuck it did that was worth so much violence.

I started sprinting back towards the beach. If I could find a hiding place and get the element of surprise he would be disadvantaged. I could electrocute him, shoot icicles into his eyes. My mind kept conjuring up violent ways to squash Kalum into the ground for his crimes.

There was a row of bushes next to a few taps were people could wash their feet in the car park. I would wait there for him. I squatted down behind the bush and kept a close eye on the main footpath. Kalum would most likely arrive here- it wasn't a very busy day but Kalum wouldn't care even if it was. He was willing to expose us all for his own gain. I decided right now I couldn't care about that either and would deal with the aftermath later. Worst case scenario, I could probably use a spell to erase memories.

More likely I would just hide out for a while and let the whole thing blow over, people would eventually convince themselves they were seeing things.

A small while later, I saw Kalum sauntering up with a gun in his belt and dragging Sophia along. The gun was slightly concealed so that you would only see it if you were expecting to see it. He was searching for me. Sophia looked physically okay, but she had tears flowing down her face and a distressed, confused look in her eyes. My heart clenched in my chest. This was the worst thing he had done yet.

He turned around, his back facing me keeping an eye out. I slowly, quietly stood up from the bushes. He didn't turn around, and he was getting impatient. Sophia squirmed in his grasp and turned her head around, seeing me. Her eyes widened and she smiled sadly. I placed a finger to my mouth in the universal gesture for quiet. She nodded once firmly and turned back around so Kalum wouldn't see me.

Fantasy Tales Series: Rise of The MerfolkWhere stories live. Discover now