Chapter Twenty- Edited

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I was lost and irritated with myself. I had all this vital information stuck in my mind and all these questions to ask but I couldn't damn well find Cora or any other Mermaid for that matter. Sure, it was a good thing they were so great at hiding but right now I needed them to not be. 

I had come across a few underwater caves and had discovered some evidence of Mermaid activity but no Mermaids. Things like jewels being left behind in odd places and foot steps in the sandy caves. I felt like I was in an abandoned part of the ocean because I hadn't come across much sea life to keep me comfort. I was no longer travelling along the ocean floor and now I felt suspended in blue ocean stretching all around me. There was complete nothingness, just blue for kilometres on end.

It was also eerily silent which didn't help. My main plan of action now was to find a dolphin or a whale (although I had never met a whale up close and was a bit scared to do so) or a seal. Some type of big intelligent animal that wouldn't harm me and would point me in the right direction. I also noticed that I only felt slightly insane for actively trying to seek out marine life and talk to them instead of extremely insane like I would have once upon a time...progress.

I wasn't as tired as I thought I would be, my tail was more powerful than I had given it credit for and it once again reminded me of how both lucky and unlucky I was in my life. I got magic powers but with so many strings attached. 

A distant echo wailing in the distance gave me a surge of hope once more. It was an animal of some sort and if I could speak to it my plan was back in action. I was refusing to come all this way and pack it in now. So, I swum towards the sound only to begin hearing responses to the first call. I knew I was about to meet my first small pod of whales. What type they were I had no idea and was honestly excited to find out. I loved whales.

It was still a small while before I came across them, and there, frolicking slowly were the gentle giant Orca's. My eyes widened in wonderment at how enormous they were yet so graceful. Their black and white colour pattern discernible from kilometres away. I was also instantly frightened. I knew Orca's to be gentle with humans in general but I also knew of the myths surrounding them – giant killers, top apex predators with the strength of a hundred men.

They were the only signs of life though and I was nearing desperation, no wait, I was.

I reluctantly swam closer and closer to the pod. One of the Orca's spotted me and let out a squeak to its pod. I felt reassured when feelings of curiosity rolled off of it in waves. It approached my direction with its pod trailing behind it for protection. I saw a baby Orca swimming near one of the mamma's. They started swimming around me and I nervously smiled. What did one say to an Orca? Hi...please don't eat me? 

Why is she here?

Is she lost?

We must help her.

I heard them all squeaking at each other discussing me. I was startled when I felt one rub its nose against me affectionately.

Mermaid must be saved.

They thought I needed saving? That melted my heart right then and there. They really were caring animals. I decided to speak.

I'm not in trouble, but I am lost. Can you help me? I was relying on their intelligence and my weak grasp on how to communicate with other sea life that they understood what I was trying to say.

Yes! One insisted. I stared into its eyes and saw nothing but pure love and intelligence there. My fears were melting away once more. I dully noted that I would sleep well from the emotional roller coaster that discovering a new world brought.

Fantasy Tales Series: Rise of The MerfolkWhere stories live. Discover now