Chapter Thirty-Five

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My heart rate spiked when I heard the conch horns ringing across the field. They were loud and disruptive; they clearly sent the message that war was about to break lose. Noah nodded at me and we watched as above us, the ranks started to form. On the left side, the Mermaids wore silver breast plates and a silver belt around their tail signalling they were in their battle uniforms. The front line was of Eastern tribe Mermaids, followed by a mix of Northern and Southern behind them. Taking up the rear was another line of Eastern tribe- I was guessing it was because they were the fighters. They all carried a mixture of old-style swords, shields and spears. Leading them was our leader. I hadn't seen her in person before but she looked old, with a tinge of grey hair mixing into her long flowing black locks. She looked very serious and on top of her head was a crown of sorts, it was almost like a golden wreath but that was all I could make out at this angle.

The Mermen looked equally as ferocious. Their armies were structured the same, with the Eastern tribe at the front and all looking grim as ever. The Mermen had similar battle armour, except all in gold and they each held either a spear or long golden and pointed tridents. I figured once they had used the stone to power their tridents, they longer needed it. Some even carried nets in their hands. Their leader was buff and also old looking. He had a long white beard which was curling and a pointy golden crown on his head. It was plain, no jewels.

Back down now, He announced sternly, his voice echoed and commanded attention in everyone's minds. I got the feeling he was doing this to protect his own people- not because he wanted to fight. and we will turn away.

We do not wish to fight, Merlin. But we will to protect our oceans. Go back to land, as per the deal and we will leave you in peace. The Mermaids leader replied. She looked almost sad to be having to do this, her voice was just as powerful as his was. The fact that neither of them wanted this war meant it would be even easier to convince them all to stand down.

You always were a stickler for rules Esme. He said back. I got the feeling that before all the drama they were close friends.

Merlin, please. Esme begged him. Turn away now.

This ocean is also our home. We cannot do that.

So be it.

The conch horns blew again, and that was my queue. I made my mind blank, shoved aside the urge to care what people thought of me and raced upwards, right in the middle of the battle ground. Noah followed me.

STOP! I screamed with all my might and ripped off the stone. Everyone halted. The silence was deafening and I saw Noah gulp nervously. My heart racing and palms sweating I thought I might faint on the spot. I clenched the stone and before someone could tell me to move aside, the wispy vision came into view, large enough for them all to see. I was panting trying to get my breathing under control and I observed everyone's faces as they watched. I was surprised no one had pushed me away yet- I probably had startled them all into silence and stillness. Their faces were ones of sadness, fear, confusion. I could tell most of the Merfolk didn't even know why they were fighting in the first place, and as the scenes unfolded before us all, I saw people slowly dropping their weapons. It was working.

You can't fight! Noah spoke once the vision was nearing the end. As you can see, a war should not have happened in the first place.

I felt a surge of joy when he spoke. He was helping me, backing me up. Just like he said he would. We need to rebuild our kingdom! Restore our former glory! Fighting will be the death of us all.

I took a deep breath, and spoke. Today- Merman and Mermaid have worked together! We, I gestured to Noah. Have shown we can get along. It is not too late to push aside past hurt and be better people. I channelled as much passion as I could into my speech. More and more weapons dropped to the ground and people realised they didn't want to risk anymore lives, and rise above the past. I was right- Merfolk did want a clean slate. They didn't like being divided.

I know none of you know me, but, I was cut off by Esme.

I had forgotten, She murmured softly, sadly. I could see tears in her eyes, mourning for her extreme measures.

I watched as Merlin stared at her. It was so long ago; I just remembered the sting of the insult.

Esme bit her lip. Merlin gazed her with sadness. They wanted to reconcile; I knew they did. I could feel it. I was so close to achieving my goal.

Esme, Merlin announced sternly. We need to do something we have not done in centuries; we need to talk.

Yes. She agreed. They swam forward hesitantly. Let us gather our councils together as witnesses, and discuss what should have happened years ago.

Merlin turned to us. As for you two- we shall see soon whether we owe you thanks or not.

Noah clutched my hand. The two wondered off together with their councils, they were about t have the first peaceful meeting in ages. I looked at the armies, everyone was confused as to what to do. Most people had dropped their weapons. There was silence for a moment.

Then, one person yelled out, Thank you! This was followed by more cheering and whooping until finally the two sides broke ranks and swam up to each other. I was amazed. Noah was astounded at the amount of people who wanted to stand up for what was right but were torn between their loyalty and upbringing. I saw Merfolk hesitantly shaking hands and introducing themselves. The topic of war was long forgotten, I saw hope starting to worm its way into people's hearts.

How close we had been to actual war and devastation would haunt me, but one thing was for certain. The first step towards peace had been made.

Noah tapped my shoulder. We did it.

I can't believe it. I thought we were going to fail.

I knew we would succeed. Look, everyone is happier with peace than fighting.

The Merman who had arrested me, swam up to us. I looked at him blankly. His hair floated all over the place.

I'm sorry I arrested you. Was what he said. I could tell he was sincere. I was just following rules, I had never dreamt that peace was possible.

I smiled at him. I knew what he meant- he was forgiven. I forgive you. I just hope that although there's a long way to go in fixing the relationship that we all stay united.

I think it will. No one ever wants a war, we just all never thought there was a way to stop it, and then you found the stone.

I shook his hand. Did you all actually believe to propaganda about how distrustful mermaids were?

Yes. He said candidly. It will take a while for us to all stop that train of thought but I think this is a good start. He grinned at me before swimming off to join another group of people.

I had done it. Not alone, but I had done it. I had started a conversation. I helped to start a chain of events that would more than likely lead to the joining of the community. The image of Kalum popped into my mind. I scowled. I hated that guys- I know that Noah said he would report him when all this was over, I wanted Kalum out of my life now, as soon as possible. The more he hung around, the more in danger my mortal friends were.

I could feel the positive changes happening. The sea responded to it very well, it felt livelier. This was a day for history.

I was also surprised by the amount of Merfolk who came to Noah and I, to thank us for starting a new chapter. They told me how I was an inspiration to them, to change their attitudes towards each other. I blushed and thanked them. I didn't feel like an inspiration or a heroine. I just felt happy that the future was looking up.

The stone felt faded of power now. I examined it and it just looked like an ordinary stone. Did it save itself memory and ancient power for this very moment? I thought it was ridiculous, the stone was an object not a being but I couldn't shake the feeling that this point in time had to happen.


My eyes widened. I needed to speak to her- she could see the future- surely, she saw this coming. Did she know I would succeed? I made a mental note to speak to her later, and then I saw Merlin and Esme come forward, rejoining us and they looked like the had an announcement to make. Everyone went quiet, and I noticed Esme was holding her crown in her hands, looking happy. 

Fantasy Tales Series: Rise of The MerfolkWhere stories live. Discover now