Chapter Twenty-Six - Edited

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I had to use what I knew to escape. I was a Mermaid for crying out loud and I had powers, ones that although I hadn't quite mastered, I could use to my advantage. There was no water down here, that was my only issue. I really doubted they would give me any to drink if I asked for it. Mermen didn't seem all that stupid. In fact, locking away an enemy as soon as you saw them and not questioning It was what I would have done. I couldn't really blame their fears that I was here to sabotage them and murder their leader, It was a disappointing fact however.

Then, a thought occurred to me. It just popped into my mind like a gift from whoever was looking out for me. Weather- Mermaids could control the weather to make storms. They used to do it to sink ships. I hadn't really tried controlling the weather, I didn't think I was ready. Now I had no choice but to try. But I was in the deep sea, not outside where there were clouds, would it even work? Perhaps I could form my own small thunder cloud?

If I could create a lightning strike, I could fry the coral bars keeping me trapped and run for it. I could find their leader myself and plead with him to make a peace offering. Then, I would go back on land where they couldn't find me and think through my next actions properly. I felt my hope for saving Merfolk fading quickly but I was desperate and I had to try to reach their leader one more time. These Mermen were about to discover just how stubborn I could be. 

I had pleaded with the Mermaid council only to be rejected and the Mermen refused to believe I had the best intentions for even a minute. They may have thought me coming here was the first attack against them and now they might retaliate. Any chance of any side making the first peace offering might have been gone. Both sides too stubborn to see war was wrong and I didn't have much influence in the community to really rally anybody behind me. 

I needed a new plan of action. A war was going to break out and I was sick over the realisation it was my own fault. It was too late to sit and cry about it. Something needed to be done. What would I do if I escaped? I sort of remembered the way I had come so I would run as fast as my legs would carry me, I remembered where the war council was and could confront them myself. I would then escape and dive away, aiming for home.  I could get some sort of proof that Kalum was in this for himself, that the Merman who had almost killed my friends and tried to steal the necklace and magic shell from me was not part of their plot. This would make the Mermaids stop and think that maybe he was the issue and a war against all Mermen was not necessary.


It was weak at best but it was all I had. If the Mermaids didn't begin their side of the war than the Mermen wouldn't have to retaliate and then when both sides were cooled off, we could start rebuilding trust slowly.

It was a long shot. I knew I was playing the part of an optimist.  But It was all I had.

With new hope blossoming in my chest I felt my spirits and determination lift slightly. I looked around my cell- a small room, bare, with no windows. No water could get in. Creating my own storm clouds was all I could do. My one chance.

I closed my eyes and outstretched my arm with my finger pointed at the cell lock. I had no idea what I was doing and felt slightly ridiculous. I cleared my mind and then filled it with pictures of black, heavy storm clouds above me. I smelt the muggy thick air right before a storm. I Imagined what the rolling and rumbling thunder would sound like. After a while I dared to glance upwards and sure enough covering the roof of my cell was a fluffy, dark thunder cloud. My plan was working but I couldn't stop to celebrate yet. Then, I pictured channelling a striking bolt of lighting through the cloud and to the lock on the door. It would sound loud and intrusive. It would strike with fury and take no prisoners. Leave behind smoke and ashes.

My fingers tingled, slightly at first and I focused on the feeling. Then it amplified, became so much that my whole arm felt numb but before I could stop and make sure it was alright a loud crack of lighting startled me and I fell backwards landing hard on my ass. I stared in shock at the smoke billowing from my cell door that was now wide open and deformed. I looked up; the storm cloud had dissipated. No trace of what I had just accomplished was to be found.

Fantasy Tales Series: Rise of The MerfolkWhere stories live. Discover now