Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I could see the flashing blue neon sign saying 'White Rose' as we approached the club. It was the closest one to us we could find that also wasn't too expensive but still had great reviews. It was two buildings connected by a hallway, one side was the restaurant where some people came to dine and the other half was the loud clubbing side. We had bought passes online that allowed us access to the restaurant and then straight into the club if we wanted too. I could see a line forming outside with people clambering to get in.

'Good thing we were smart and went online.' Naomi commented. She was dressed in a simple green belly top with her hair curled and blue jeans with black boots. Simple, but stylish. 'I mean look at the queue.'

'So, do I steer away from wine with dinner or do I have it plus all the cocktails I want to try?' Cece said jokingly. She had decided to dress up In a leather skirt and white singlet with a black jacket over the top. I thought it matched her personality very well.

'Let me guess- by the end of the night you're the one who's going to be carried by the rest of us?' Lila answered. Since Sophia had decided she wanted to have a few drinks tonight as well, Lila had volunteered to be the designated driver and had driven us here in Sophia's car. Lila hadn't cared to change so she still wore her comfy clothes, right down to the Ugg boots.

Cece smirked. 'No one answered my question.'

'I'm thinking of trying something really fancy on their menu.' Sophia said thoughtfully. Like her, my mind was on what food I wanted to eat before we started dancing. Sophia was dressed up the most out of all of us with her blue tight-fitting dress, gold jewellery and knee-high boots. She had straightened her hair for tonight. As for myself, I had decided to wear ankle high black boots, black leggings and a pink tight-fitting shirt with slightly puffy sleeves.

'I think I'll just drink a glass of a wine in addition to the cocktails I want, screw it.' Cece continued. I snickered in response to her.

As we had bought our tickets online, we got a pass to skip the queue and walked straight into the restaurant. It was classy, with a red carpet and white clothed tables scattered with silver wear. I saw it was busy, but our table for five had been reserved. There were lovely potted plants of pansies and ferns on the outskirts if the room and a small water feature in the centre of the room. I could see the bottom was littered with coins.

We were escorted to our table, which was round, and sat. The waitress serving us had a casual uniform that was all black.

'Would you like to hear the specials?' She asked with a smile.

'Ooooh yes please.' Sophia answered for us eagerly. I tuned out as she started to rattle off the deals for tonight. I had felt my skin prickle and I suddenly had the overwhelming paranoia that I was being watched. I was instantly mad at myself. I was supposed to be taking tonight as the opportunity to relax before diving head first into my plans for stopping the Mermaids and Mermen from fighting. I reassured myself no one was watching me and tuned back into the conversation. The waitress had walked off and returned a few moments later with our drink orders. I had decided to just stick to water for now and later I would try a cocktail.

'Okay so,' Sophia gestured for us to all raise our glasses. We did. 'I want to propose a toast to us all. It has been a huge roller coaster so far and we survived it. It feels like we can survive anything. Cheers guys.'

Although I plastered a happy smile on, when Sophia had finished speaking, I got this awful sense of foreboding. Something bog was going to happen, something life changing. I gazed at Sophia more closely, examining her features.

Her prophecy hasn't come to pass yet, a voice in my head reminded me. I sat there thinking, despite my pact to relax and have a stress-free evening I couldn't help it. Gwen had been correct about everything so far. I was a mermaid, Lila had become more outspoken and punched Kalum, she had never done anything like that in her life. Naomi had introduced a guy that had created arguments, Cece ate sushi and got poisoned.

Fantasy Tales Series: Rise of The MerfolkWhere stories live. Discover now