Chapter Three~ Edited

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That night I had the weirdest dream. I usually always had strange dreams but this one took the cake.

I dreamt I was on the end of a wooden, mouldy pier that was damp and slippery from the angry waves. I wasn't sure which beach it was but it was storming, I loved storms but that didn't mean I wanted to be out in one! The wind was blowing fiercely and my hair was wildly flinging everywhere. The rain was pouring and I was soaked, chilled to the bone. There was thunder roaring with big black clouds darkening the sky. Flashes of yellow lighting appeared every now and then making it even harder for me to hear. All of my senses were over whelmed. The wind blowing in my ears made it hard to hear and there was a bothersome ringing in my ear. I was freezing despite the dark green long sleeve shirt I wore. My arms were crossed and I was yelling at a girl- she had long purple hair and purple eyes with flecks of gold. Her eyes were filled with sorrow and sadness. 

'Why you!?' She screamed aggressively at me. I could see tears running down her cheeks. I felt badly for her and wanted to help soothe her pain. 

'I didn't ask for this!' I retaliated. I saw the waves below us crashing violently. I was suddenly scared of slipping and being thrown into the brutality of the ocean. I would be torn to shreds and no one would ever be able to find me.

'You weren't even raised in this reality! I was born in it!'

I peered closer at her. She appeared human, but she was fully naked with white milky skin. Her legs had small patches of purple shiny...scales?? Were those fish scales? I was suddenly very confused. 'I'm sorry!' I cried. I felt a great sense of sadness within myself. Did I know her? It was clear I was the cause of her anguish.

She shook her head solemnly. 'It's not your fault. I just,' I saw her hands twitch and her eyes glance at the ocean behind me. My heart sank, there was a plunging feeling in my gut. Something bad was going to happen. 'Move!' She suddenly screamed running towards me.

Next thing I knew her hands were shoving me to the side and I landed hard on the pier. My head hurt and I think she bruised the arm that I landed on. I glanced upwards in time to see her get swallowed by the sea. I mean, it literally shot out in a column of clear blue water, wrapped around her ankle and pulled her in despite her screams. I was left shocked and confused- had that thing being going for me? The girl had saved me despite hating me. 

My eyes shot open. My heart rate was up and my adrenaline pulsed. I was very confused- I'd had random dreams before. None were ever as coherent or put together and crystal clear as that one. None ever felt real. It was freaky and left me paranoid It was somehow connected to my subconscious. I glanced at the time and realised it was ten in the morning. I'd had a nice sleep in, but that dream had my nerves racing. It was only a dream, I reminded myself. Stepping into the shower I sighed as the warm water hit my skin. Any coldness I felt left over from my dream washed away to be replaced with radiating warmth. It felt good after a night of drinking- maybe that was why my dream was so messed up, because my head was scrambled from being drunk.

I went to wash my body with soap and when I saw what was on my body I screamed. In hindsight I probably shouldn't have considering that could've woken someone up and drew attention to myself. Three aquamarine coloured scales sat in a cluster on my hip. I was panicking- what the hell were they? I mean I knew they were fish scales but how was this possible? Was it a new disease you could catch from the water? I tried pulling one off and winced. It was fused onto my skin and I had a feeling if I were to yank it off completely it would be really painful.

I knew this was wrong. I knew I couldn't say anything to anyone. I knew I would have to figure this one out on my own.

When I got changed, I made sure I had clothes on that would cover my ailment up and plastered a big fake smile on my face as I went downstairs for breakfast. Sophia was charged with cooking this morning. I smelt the sweet aroma of bacon and eggs but I was too preoccupied and trying not to let anxiety take over my body to really care. There had to be a reasonable explanation for my new...additions?

Fantasy Tales Series: Rise of The MerfolkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora