Chapter Thirty-Nine

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About two weeks later, there was a funeral. I always hated going to graveyards and cemeteries but I felt nothing but peace as I walked with Naomi, Cece and Lila across the trimmed green grass to where Sophia's funeral was being held. We were all dressed in black clothing, and had each prepared part of a speech to give in Sophia's honour. We arrived just in time, and took our seats near the front, up with Sophia's family. There was quiet murmuring, no one wanting to talk too loudly. The whole affair was drab and depressing. I felt tears prick my eyes.

The service started and we all shushed. I reflected on the past weeks, at first, I had felt so guilty I didn't talk to anyone. I felt like I could have done something to stop what had happened. After a few days I was sick of wallowing in self-pity. I looked myself in the mirror and realised if Sophia could see me now, she would laugh at me and tell me to get over myself. She was strong willed and independent. Sophia did what she wanted and spoke her mind. She would never stand for one of her closest friends to be depressed over her.

So, as I sat in the funeral, I had nothing but happy memories and happy thoughts of Sophia. Her smile would light up a room, her great taste in fashion sense and her wit. I had known her since high school and we hadn't clicked at first, both of us being judgemental people, but slowly we had grown into a great friendship.

There was a photo of Sophia smiling next to her red coffin. The coffin was large and grand. It was perfect for her. There were white and pink flowers surrounding the coffin. Her parents gave their speeches along with other family members before gesturing to us to give our respects. All four of us stood up grimly and made our way to the front. Naomi started first.

'I remember,' She sniffled. 'When I first met Sophia. She was bright and sunny; I knew immediately I wanted to be her friend. She had the most wonderful taste in clothing, and she would always be there to support us. She was like the mother of our friendship group. I remember one time we went shopping together for formal dresses and a saleslady told me I was too big for their store. Sophia showed no hesitation and told the woman to shut up,' Naomi and everyone else in the audience cracked a smile. 'And that I was too good for their store. Because that's who Sophia was- a lovely soul who would stand up for others.'

Naomi finished her part of the speech and wiped her eyes. Cece began. 'She was also stubborn. Willing to put me in my place whenever my attitude got out of line. She was like that with everyone, always telling the truth and sticking up for what she thought was right no matter what. This is why we should not pity her,' Cece chocked up. 'We should celebrate her.'

'I knew Sophia as the popular girl, you know.' Lila continued. Her blue hair was a stark contrast to the black all around us. 'It was fitting, because everyone liked her, even those who didn't at first, they warmed up to her. You couldn't help it; Sophia was just a unique person everyone wanted to know. She was a breath of fresh air. She was firm too, and always there for us. My favourite memory of Sophia was when she decided helping me to become who I am today- more confident, was her goal. It showed me what an amazing friend I had gained and I'll miss her greatly.'

It was my turn, our conclusion. 'Sophia was someone to look up too. With a strong character, Sophia was my inspiration for my own morals. I wanted to be as strong, kind and truthful as her. I still haven't gotten there yet,' I stated, my voice was quivering. 'But thanks to Sophia, I will never stop trying. I think we all will never stop trying to live up to Sophia's expectations. She always saw the good, and capitalised on it. I will always hold Sophia in my heart, I will never forget the impact she has had on me, on all of us. Rest in peace Sophia.' I ended my part of the speech, my emotions a whirlwind. We got a round of applause and took our seats. I would have felt nervous about talking in front of so many people but it was pushed aside by my feelings of sadness. I would always miss Sophia.

The rest of the funeral went by in a flash, there was a small reception afterwards where we were given food and drink.

Cece sniffled. 'We'll always be there for each other, right?'

'Yes.' I answered quickly. 'Of course, no matter how away we all live from each other, we will never stop being there.'

'Exactly.' Lila nodded. 'Always.'

Naomi hugged Lila's side. 'She would be proud of us all. How we're handling it.'

Cece smile fondly. 'She would probably buy us all matching earrings or something to say thank you for the great speech.'

I laughed lightly. 'Yeah she would love our speech.'

'Be impressed with how much effort we put into it.' Naomi added.

When the funeral was over and we went our separate ways, I left feeling happy and sad. Sad for Sophia's tragic end, but happy that her death would not be in vain. Excited for what the future held, happy to know that Sophia would be watching over me. At least one of my mortal friends knew my secret. It felt nice to know. I believed in spirits and I believed Sophia's story was not over yet. She would make a reappearance, just not in a way I would ever expect.


The next day, I stood on the beach. The water was quiet today, the waves washing ashore slowly and leisurely. The wind was warm, and I breathed in. Enjoying the feeling of my hair blowing out of my face. I had said goodbye to my friends, goodbye to Sophia and was ready to head into the sea for a while. It wouldn't be forever. I just needed space away from the mortal world for a bit. I had payed all the bills I needed to, and now I didn't have to worry for about a month before visiting again.

I was looking forward to experiencing the full Mermaid experience without war looming overhead, without worrying about evil people or having to save someone's life. For the first time in a long time I could be in a new world and actually enjoy it.

I would help them to rebuild. I would help retain the peace. I grabbed my white crystal necklace and smiled to myself, I had drilled a tiny hole into the shell, the artefact, and strung it on the necklace too. I really had grown a lot as a person, but I still had a lot to learn. First thing on my list- talk to Gwen and ask how she knew what would happen. She was a psychic, but surely there was a process behind it? I wanted to know everything about the Merfolk. Then, research on the shell that cost Sophia her life.

It was early morning and no one was around, so I stripped off my clothes till I was naked. I wasn't too cold due to the warm wind. I chucked my clothing in the bin as to not arise any questions and ran into the ocean, the cool water splashing up my legs. I felt the familiar tingling in my legs and laughed as I dived into the water, on my way to live life as a Mermaid. 

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