Chapter Six~Edited

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We stopped for lunch on the way back at a small lovely Italian place. It seemed to be quite popular with the local people. The place was busy with a lot of families enjoying their dishes and laughing with each other. The tables were decorated with red, white and green table clothes with various arrangements of flowers on each table as the centre pieces. Purple Gardenias, red Roses, pink Lillie's etc. The walls were decorated with photos of the owner's family going back generations- it was obvious this was a family owned restaurant passed down. In the pictures they all seemed very happy with huge generous smiles. It helped the restaurant to feel more cosy and the fire place provided endless warmth. There was even a large fish tank full of exotic and exciting looking fish. I could already see a lot of the kiddies oohing and ahhing over the various fishes. There was a lobster tank next to the fishes and I cringed at the thought of them being boiled alive. I had heard that Lobsters screamed when you placed them in the boiling pot.

We sat down at a corner table for privacy. I always preferred the corner tables- it gave me a view of everyone else in the room so that I knew if someone was watching us. People leering was more common than you would first believe it to be until you learned to recognise the signs of someone watching you, observing quietly. 

My mind was half distracted as we read the menu's, trying to think of how to handle my powers. It was a foreign feeling to be either blessed or cursed- I hadn't decided which one it was- and yet still appear normal. All these people in the restaurant, they were all normal. I gave a disgusted look to the man using both hands to dig into his pasta. Everyone here was normal alright, except for him. After a while of scanning the menu a tall young man with shaggy blonde hair and piercing green eyes came over to take our order. He had a black stud in his ear, an expensive gold watch on his wrist and was dressed in all formal black clothing- a black button up shirt, dress pants and dress shoes. He grinned at us all, but his eyes had a calculating gaze, like he was preparing to disarm us all at once. It unnerved me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Naomi sit up a little straighter so her breasts popped out more.

'So, have you made a choice ladies?' He had a deep voice with a slight accent I couldn't place. His name tag read Kalum.

We each started rattling off what we wanted. I ordered a lasagne and some garlic bread for the table. When it got to Naomi, she flicked her hair over her shoulder a fiddled with her necklace suggestively. I saw his eyes following her carefully. 'Cantalone please,' her eyes flickered over his name tag. 'Kalum.'

He wrote it down and nodded before giving an award-winning smile, I noted his white teeth were too white, unnatural. Too bad I saw through it. His whole stance radiated power. 'I see you know my name. This hardly seems fair miss?' He prompted Naomi to tell him her name.

'Naomi.' She fluttered her eyes at him. How was she not getting the creeps yet? I supposed I could've just been a picky bitch.

Cece and Sophia were trying very hard not to crack up laughing. I had seen Naomi flirt before, so I was immediately bored.

'Well Naomi,' She let him take her hand in his and place a chaste kiss to it. Lila choked on her water. 'I will make your dish of the highest priority.' He dropped her hand and walked off. Naomi sighed dreamily.

Cece elbowed her. 'Ow!' Naomi complained.

'Earth to Naomi!' Cece laughed. 'That was weird as hell.'

'It's called flirting!' Naomi protested. 'He's cute!'

'Oh please.' Lila smirked. 'He just wants a bigger tip.'

'We don't tip in Australia much though.' Sophia protested. Lila rolled her eyes. 

I smirked and went to take a sip of water, but stopped because I didn't want to spill it accidentally and pop a tail. 'So many jokes I could make right now.' 

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