Chapter Fourteen~ Edited

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So, In the next week while I was waiting to hear from Cora, I discovered I could speak to aquatic life. I knew I could sense the creature's moods but this was a step up. I wasn't sure if I hadn't realised I could do this earlier due to my excitement or if it had taken a while to develop considering my delay in transforming into a Mermaid. All I knew for sure was that Cora had left that point out. Perhaps she thought it was obvious? I wasn't sure but I was loving it, being able to talk to animals had always been a secret wish of mine. If I had three wishes one would be to talk to and communicate with animals. I had always figured it would be amazing to understand just what was going on in their little heads. 

I first discovered this gift when I was swimming out at sunset three days after I had said goodbye to Cora and Gwen. The girls were all still fighting and Lila came down with a cold so I couldn't escape the tense atmosphere with her like before. As a result Lila just locked herself away in her room to avoid the tension. So, making the choice to ignore them all for a little bit and make the most of my powers I headed down to the beach. It was a sunny day, the heat beating down on me making me sweat a little bit. I hardly ever sweated but that's how hot it was. My sunglasses were next to useless. I needed to get new ones. Due to the weather it seemed like everyone was outside today with kids diving in and out of the waves dressed in coloured bathers and parents on fold out chairs catching the rays of sun and turning their pale skin to tanned.

Heading straight to my spot on the beach trying to go unnoticed as possible I couldn't help wondering how many people here were also descended from Merfolk but just didn't know it yet, maybe not ever. Finding my spot still unoccupied and secluded I left my belongings on the hot sand and dived into the water, the cool waves cooling down my hot skin. I knew something was different when I started to hear little faint whispers in the back of my mind. They weren't in any language I knew of- just a bunch of rapid clicks and chirps. The surprising part was when I started to understand what they meant.

Frowning, I turned around to scan my surroundings. My blonde hair floated and swished sluggishly all around my head and my tail glinted in beauty. I would never get used to the feeling of serenity and peace on the bottom of the ocean. Breathing underwater was supposed to be impossible. It amused me how ignorant mortals were. There was a whole world out there with a different reality and they had no idea. 

The ocean floor was the same as always- dark green and slimy seaweed swayed to the beat of the ocean, black rock formations dotted here and there and white seashells littered the ground. I was reminded of my shell I found that was glowing and magical. I needed to remember to ask Cora what that was all about.

The chirping started to get louder and I spotted two dolphins a few meters away from me- I was startled initially and wanted to swim away. They were a sleek grey with a pointed fin on their backs and long snouts with permanent grins on their faces. Then I remembered I was a Mermaid and although I was still apprehensive about wild animals that weren't fish swimming so close to me, I was also curious. The dolphins appeared to be half hiding behind one of the rock formations.

In the back of my mind I heard more clicking and realised it was the dolphins speaking to each other. Amazing still was how I could translate it in my mind into human words- mostly. I could understand the jist of what they had to say.

I've never seen her before. One chattered and all I could do was stare in wonder.

We've been spotted. The other replied and they used their powerful tails to start speeding away.

Wait! I screamed in my mind. I wasn't sure how I did it, but I must have been desperate to explore this new found power because I projected the words out into the ocean and the two dolphins stopped and swam over to me slowly.

Fantasy Tales Series: Rise of The MerfolkWhere stories live. Discover now