Chapter Twenty-two- Edited

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'I really really can't stop thinking about him Aqua I think I'm losing it.' Naomi laughed softly to herself and flopped onto my bed dramatically. You have no idea, I wanted to blurt. I locked my bedroom door behind me so that nobody could interrupt us and sat cross-legged on the bedroom floor.  

'Why are you on the floor?' She snickered. 

I patted the floor in front of me. 'Come sit with me I wanna talk to you properly.' 

'Why don't you just come up here then?' Was is it just me or was Naomi being difficult on purpose? I fought down my annoyance and took a deep breath- you're here to help her, I reminded myself. 

It had been a few intensive days studying and getting Cora to help me make the spell to break Naomi's curse and finally it was ready. I had been shutting everyone else out and I knew they were all irritated or concerned about me but I had to save Naomi first and then worry about the consequences later. There was no point trying to make everyone happy if it would only result in tragedy. Better to sin and then ask for forgiveness later. 

'So,' I spoke casually and dug through my bag to get out what I needed. 'I know I haven't been the most supportive person lately.'

Naomi scoffed and stood up, walking over to me and sitting cross legged on the floor. 'I know you hate Kalum, but I wish you would just give him a chance, he's actually very funny.' No way in hell was that brick wall of a person funny in any way shape or form. 

I clicked my tongue. 'Well, to make up for it I wanted to share this new exercise I found online- remember how we used to do yoga together in high school?' We would skip P.E and do our own yoga on the oval. it was quite peaceful, but we did get caught a few times. Surprisingly, since we weren't actually ditching to cause trouble most of the teachers who saw us either ignored what we were doing or decided to laugh at the situation instead. Then again if I saw kids ditching P.E to do yoga i'd ignore it too, who cares? 

Naomi eyed me for a few seconds before breaking out into a big grin. 'I would love that Aqua! We've been so distant lately.'

Gee, I wonder why. I bit my lip to stop the sarcastic response from escaping my mouth- that would only get me into trouble. 

'It's like meditation.' Naomi's eyes focused on me even more and I could tell I had gained her interest. I got out my little potion bottle and inside it was a glowing green liquid, it looked like the stuff inside of a green glow-stick but slightly darker. I was actually very proud of myself, it was the first real potion I had ever made. 'You have to drink this-,'

'What is it?' She asked suspiciously. She picked up the small bottle and  swished the liquid around in curiosity. 

I had prepared for this question, I was about to lie my ass off. 'It's a mixture of water, minerals and a little bit of-,'

'What makes it glow?'

'It's the method of making it that lets the final product look like this. I promise it does nothing harmful and I've actually used it once already, it really works to heal the spirit.' I knew deep down that Naomi could tell it was bullshit I was spouting, but she was brainwashed and her judgement was impaired. It made it easier to fool her. I could see a little piece of the old Naomi in her eyes trusting me still and so I saw her head nod slowly as she shook the little bottle around. She seemed absolutely  fascinated by it.  

'So, I just drink it then?' 

'Yep.' I nodded enthusiastically. 'I already had my dose.' I got myself into a meditation position, it wasn't necessary for the spell to work but I needed this to look like a real exercise so that my lie wouldn't unravel. I wasn't even sure I could cast spells but I had to try and this was my only shot at saving Naomi. I guessed that since I had succeeded in making the potion it meant I was a spell caster. I was still really nervous.  

Fantasy Tales Series: Rise of The MerfolkWhere stories live. Discover now