Chapter Nineteen- Edited

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I was starting to get antsy. I could feel my anxiety creeping up into my stomach giving me slight cramps, I grimaced. It had been a week since I last saw Cora and I was starting to struggle to decipher the scroll on my own (as much as I hated to admit it). I needed her help to save my friend and I didn't know where the hell in the whole ocean she was. I hadn't even completely mastered the basics of my powers yet and I was supposed to help be the salvation of my species? Yeah right. The knowledge that Naomi was in danger and Cece was in danger (by the way there had been no more progress on her condition which did not help my irritated mood.) and that Kalum...that slimy bastard was behind it all. The fact that I couldn't even strangle him was enough to make me sick, I wanted to vomit suddenly.

I laid on my bed staring up at the ceiling trying to even my breathing. It wasn't fair. I didn't want to be responsible for my friend's lives. I didn't want to be responsible for any of this.

But you are.

The voice in my head sung. It was right- I was and I had accepted it but it didn't mean I had to like it. Why couldn't I just be a mermaid without all the dramatics? I could just have the cool water bending powers and ditch the worldly responsibilities. 

That's not how the world works, the voice sung annoyingly again. 

Worst of all was that I wanted to be selfish. I wanted to swim away and never return but I knew that was cowardly and I knew I would never forgive myself if I did. I would feel guilty for the rest of my damn life.

I had no choice, I had to find Cora. I was sick of waiting around for things to happen. I was tired of waiting for things to just appear to me- I was over having to rely on others to get my job done. I had to do it myself and it started with me taking the initiative to start everything myself. 

I hadn't done it earlier because I wanted to be here in case Cece woke up or something bad happened to Naomi, but something worse was going to happen to them both if I didn't kick my ass into gear, screw everybody and do what I had to do. I was just concerned that the others would get mad at me for leaving since they hadn't really left the house either just in case, but I couldn't afford to care what they thought about me right now. They would just have to deal with it and I would just have to smooth it all over once everyone was once again safe and sound.

I grabbed a bag and stuffed it with some random clothing for when I transformed back to my legs and ran out of my bedroom and raced down the stairs. The others were in their rooms sleeping or whatever. I didn't really care at the moment. I didn't bother to leave a note either.

I felt my anxiety reducing knowing I was taking things into my own hands. I would search as far and wide as possible in the great blue ocean until I found Cora. I would get over my fears of travelling too deep into the sea and plough through it. Nothing would stop me, I was determined. 

To any bystanders I must have looked like a mad woman racing down the street with a shopping bag full of clothes. It wasn't the best weather today with it being humid but rainy creating a thick atmosphere and making harder for me to breathe. When I reached the beach and my favourite private spot to transform, I dumped my clothing on the sand and didn't waste a second jumping into the cold waves. It was so cold and sudden it took my breath away for a moment. I stretched my arms out in front of me to propel myself through the water smoothly and was so focused on my mission that I barely noticed when my tail replaced my legs. The feeling was a lot less foreign to me now. It felt more natural. 

The water made my flowing blonde hair glossy and trailed behind me as I glided deeper and deeper into the ocean, cutting through the water like a sharp blade. There weren't many boats out today but I still kept my body as close to the sandy ocean floor as possible. 

Fantasy Tales Series: Rise of The MerfolkOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora