Chapter Twenty-Four- Edited

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I usually enjoyed frolicking in the big blue sea but I didn't have time to dawdle and appreciate what beauty laid in the ocean. After I had made up my mind I told the girls I would join them for dinner later and I had to help Cora with a family issue, they bought it and Cora and I wasted no time stripping in our private spot on the beach and diving into the cool water. Once again, I found that being disconnected from my tail was a deflating feeling. As soon as my feet touched the water I found myself feeling true serenity, serenity that was about to be broken.

Cora was a fast swimmer and it was almost as if the ocean propelled her forward seamlessly. I wanted to swim like that. Her pink tail glinted and I couldn't help but to admire the pure raw strength of her tail. If I could see mine right now it would look the same- the power was amazing. It was like a giant muscle. I was constantly reminded of  how I living out a magical fantasy. 

When we got to the cave entrance I slightly panicked because I wouldn't have a dress to change into. Cora laughed in my face and said I was a whimp, before transforming her tail into legs and naked, ran down a cave hallway. I didn't have time to feel embarrassed about my nudity and followed her lead. 

Nobody cared. Everyone we passed didn't seem to mind. If I was running through the streets on land naked, I would probably be arrested for my lack of clothing and then fined a huge sum of money. The cool air blew my long hair off of my shoulders and perked my nipples. It was certainly pretty cold and shivers broke out over my arms but I couldn't stop to complain we had to get to the war council before they made a decision without me and the information I held. I planned to use it to persuade them. 

The sand in the cave stuck to my feet making them itchy and I was starting to get nervous about what to say. My stomach twisted and I could feel my mouth going dry- ironic considering the habitat I was in was water.

When we got to the entrance of the war council room Cora tried to prep me. 'Just be respectful, bow your head when you say hello, don't interrupt them and state your argument well and with clarity. Since I know your human customs have made you ashamed of nudity, I have to reassure you that those Mermaids in there don't give a flying fuck. Get over it and try your best- as much as I want the war to go ahead, I think this will be good practice for you getting used to your future community. Don't be too disappointed when they reject your proposal.' It almost sounded like she wanted to recruit me, because Cora already had this idea in her head that I would fail miserably. 

I wanted to argue and say that it wasn't certain they would reject my suggestion. That it was insulting she thought I was a naive little girl. I also hated that she wanted the war to go on but I had to hold my head up high, introduce myself and my story and tell them exactly what I thought of their prejudices. I had to remind myself that i was in a different culture now, with a different line of thinking than I was used to. 

'Okay.' I breathed out and wringing my hands, entered the room. 

The cave entrance lead me down a short hallway before eventually opening out into a bigger cave. There was a small pond in the centre of the room with various fish swimming about happily. The water was steady, clear and I could see my reflection in it. The war council was sitting on rocks in the most casual manner possible and despite me seeing proof that nobody cared about my nakedness I was still body conscious.

 There were three women in the room, all tall and graceful. One of them was dressed in an elegant slim green gown with black hair tied in a bun. Overall, she screamed 'classy' and I was the most nervous about her, for her eyes were hard and determined to get her way. The woman next to her on the rock wore a matching red pantie and bra set with her brown hair tumbling in waves down her back. She was slim and her eyes sparkled with delight. I figured not all Merfolk liked wearing clothing and for some undergarments were as far as they would go for clothing.

Fantasy Tales Series: Rise of The MerfolkWhere stories live. Discover now