The Flying Car

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On the first of September, Ashlyn had packed her trunk and boarded the red, steaming Hogwarts Express. She looked for an empty compartment or a compartment with Hermione in it. She didn't bother looking for Harry or Ron. She knew those two would be flying to Hogwarts. As much as she would love to ride the Ford Anglia, she'd rather stick with the train and practice a few spells with Hermione.

"Ashlyn. Here!" she heard an all too familiar voice call. She turned around to see Hermione Granger walking up to her, smiling widely, her hand still in the air.

"Put your hand down already," said Ashlyn as the brunette caught up with her.

Together they went in search of an empty compartment. They found one soon enough. Ashlyn pulled out her new second-year charms book, as Hermione pulled out one of Lockhart's book.

"You don't actually believe that dude did all that, do you?" Ashlyn asked.

"Of course I do," Hermione cried. "He is so amazing. But what do you mean 'dude'?"

"Just a slang. I'm sure it'll catch on. You know somewhere in the future." Ashlyn said dismissively.

"If you say so," Hermione said uncertainly.

A few moments later, the train jerked, leaving the station. Ashlyn sighed. She would certainly keep an eye out for a flying car.

Ashlyn had her wand out and she was trying out a spell, while consulting her book, when the compartment door slid open.

"Ah, god, the stench. Unbearable," Draco Malfoy's voice floated to them.

Ashlyn sighed, then looked up from her book.

"What is it that you want, Malfoy, you great sick prat?" Ashlyn snapped.

Malfoy swaggered into the compartment, with Crabbe and Goyle flanking by his sides.

"Well, well, well-" Malfoy started, but Ashlyn beat him to it.

"Malfoy, I have my wand out, and I won't hesitate to hex you into oblivion," she said, glaring daggers at the blond.

"Where're your boyfriends? Potty and Weasel?" Malfoy sneered. 

"Well, their boyfriends are right here," said a voice both Ashlyn and Hermione recognised.

Fred popped up behind Malfoy, followed by George. 

"Anything you want, Malfoy?" George said scathingly.

Malfoy scowled at the older boys, but them being quite larger in size and better in magical skill, he was slightly intimidated, so with a snarl of, "Filthy blood traitors,"  and he stormed out of the compartment.

"He is such an asshole," Ashlyn said shaking her head and returning to her book. "Hello, Fred, George,"

"Ashlyn!" Hermione cried almost pleadingly. "Stop swearing!"

"Come on, Hermione," Fred said sitting down beside Ashlyn, George taking the seat opposite his brother. 

"The little baby is learning new words," he said. Hermione opened her mouth crossly, to argue when Ashlyn spoke.

"Where's Ginny?" Ashlyn asked.

"She met some first-year girl and they are sitting together," George said. "A blonde. Rather strange she was, wasn't she Fred?"

"Yeah, a butterbeer cork necklace," Fred said, leaning back on his seat and crossing his arms behind his head.

Ashlyn looked up sharply. Luna Lovegood. Ginny had met Luna. 

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