Luna Lovegood

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"Shall we go and find a compartment, then?" Harry asked 

Ron and Hermione exchanged looks.

"Er," said Ron.

"We're — well — Ron and I are supposed to go into the prefect carriage," Hermione said awkwardly.

Ron wasn't looking at Harry; he seemed to have become intensely interested in the fingernails on his left hand.

"Oh," said Harry. "Right. Fine."

"I don't think we'll have to stay there all journey," said Hermione quickly.

"Our letters said we just get instructions from the Head Boy and Girl and then patrol the corridors from time to time."

"Fine," said Harry again. "Well, I-I might see you later, then."

"Yeah, definitely," said Ron, casting a shifty, anxious look at Harry. "It's a pain having to go down there, I'd rather — but we have to — I mean, I'm not enjoying it, I'm not Percy," he finished defiantly.

"I know you're not," said Harry and he grinned.

"Come on," Ginny told him, "if we get a move on we'll be able to save them places."

"What are you two doing there?" Ashlyn called. She had already gone in search of a compartment.

"Right. We're coming," said Harry, picking up Hedwig's cage in one hand and the handle of his trunk in the other. They struggled off down the corridor, peering through the glass-panelled doors into the compartments they passed, which were already full.

 In the very last carriage, they met Neville, his round face shining with the effort of pulling his trunk along and maintaining a one-handed grip on his struggling toad, Trevor.

"Hi, Harry," he panted. "Hi, Ginny. . . . Everywhere's full. . . . I can't find a seat . . ."

"What are you talking about?" said Ginny, who had squeezed past Neville to peer into the compartment behind him.

 "There's room in this one, there's only Loony Lovegood in here —"

Neville mumbled something about not wanting to disturb anyone.

"Don't be silly," said Ginny, laughing, "she's all right."

She slid the door open and pulled her trunk inside it. Harry and Neville followed.

"Hi, Luna," said Ginny. "Is it okay if we take these seats?"

"Oh! Luna! Hello!" Ashlyn cried excitedly.

"Do you know me?" Luna asked, gazing at her innocently.

Ashlyn could have squealed. "Of course, I know you. You're Luna Lovegood," she said with the air of meeting a celebrity. A few more seconds and she would be asking for an autograph with an 'I'm a huge fan'.

Luna was reading the Quibbler silently.

Ashlyn looked around the compartment. There was Luna, Neville, Harry and Ginny. She was in a compartment full of adorable lil' beans! She was screeching like a pterodactyl inside her head.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Harry asked.

Ashlyn replied with, "Awwww, look at you cinnamon rolls,"

"You are?" Luna asked still not removing her gaze from Ashlyn.

"Ashlyn Clarke, nice to meet you," Ashlyn said brightly.

"The Patronus girl," Luna said as though she had just remembered it.

"Sure, but I prefer Ashlyn," she shrugged.

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