The Others

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Hermione was looking for a book on dangerous monsters when she noticed Ashlyn walk out of the library. Ashlyn had told her that she was going to tell her everything today. And had asked her to look for one on 'dangerous snake hybrid monsters'. 

Hermione had found it confusing but complied. As her stomach grumbled, due to her light lunch, Hermione decided to stop her search for some time. Ashlyn hadn't returned yet. Did she bail? No. She wouldn't. She had also left her bag there. Collecting both the bags, Hermione walked back to the common room.

"Have you seen Ashlyn?" she asked Ron and Harry who were playing Exploding Snap, who shook their heads, too engrossed in the game. Frowning, she went to look for Ginny. 

"Ginny, have you seen Ashlyn?" who too replied on negative and hurried off.

Hermione was getting worried. Ashlyn hadn't returned and the sun was now sinking. She decided to go and look for her. She dragged the boys along with her, both of them who reluctantly followed. 

"Come on Hermione, Ashlyn would be in the library or somewhere," Ron grumbled.

"No, I've already looked there," Hermione said worried, walking fast when they bumped into Professor McGonagall.

"I was looking for you three," McGonagall stated with a sombre look. "Follow me"

The three of them followed McGonagall to the hospital wing and they froze when they saw Ashlyn's petrified body, lying on the bed. 

The news that Ashlyn had been petrified, caused a stir. It was not just a new attack. Fred and George stopped joking around about the heir of Slytherin. Ginny was on the edge. Hermione spent two days crying. Ron had lost his usual appetite. Harry felt dreadful.

For two days, Hermione would cry every now and then and it was very hard for Harry and Ron to control her. Sometimes she would burst into tears between breaks, in class, while eating. She could be found near Ashlyn every time she ran off, sobbing.

The third day to Harry and Ron's surprise, Hermione had not cried a single time but had been searching each and every one of Ashlyn's books and drawers as though her life depended on it.

"Hermione, stop it," Ron said softly, Hermione was almost lost in a sort of madness they didn't understand.

"You wouldn't understand," Hermione said as she frantically searched. Ron held her wrist, annoyed.

"Then explain. You are acting like Ashlyn now," he growled. Hermione knew exactly how Ashlyn had felt every time she had pestered her to tell her things. It was so frustrating, she didn't have time to explain.

"Ashlyn was going to tell me about the Chamber of Secrets that day. She would have left a clue somewhere." Hermione said wrenching her hand out of Ron's grip.

"Help me, or leave," she yelled.

The trio searched every page of every book but found nothing. Hermione was even more determined to find the culprit.

Harry could understand why Hermione was being like this. The news that Ashlyn had been petrified, shook him. Ashlyn had always been there for him. She always seemed to understand. She seemed to know everything. She was like an older sister. And now that she was gone, Harry had no idea what to do. His only option was to interrogate Malfoy. But Ashlyn had told them that it was a waste of time. But what else could they do? Burying themselves in the library wasn't working.

When she heard the news, Ginny froze. She went to confirm the news herself. She ran out howling when she saw Ashlyn's petrified body on the hospital wing's bed. She saw Hermione crying, Harry and Ron looking sullen. She wanted Fred and George to make her laugh, but they weren't doing it anymore. 

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