Hog's Head

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Ashlyn's detentions with Umbridge went just as terrible as always.

On the last day, Umbridge said,

"Miss Clarke, although it pains me to ask you, how would you like joining the Inquisitorial Squad? "

So it had come down to that, huh? When she realised that she couldn't torture or threaten the information out of Ashlyn, she was resorting to bribery.

"No," Ashlyn said shortly.

"The Inquisitorial squad is—"

"I know what it is. And my answer is still no," Ashlyn snapped.

Ashlyn was actually amazed that Umbridge had offered her a position in her stupid Inquisirotial squad. She hated muggleborns. Umbitch must want the information so desperately to make such a move. Ashlyn couldn't help but be pleased with herself.

"But," Ashlyn said, "Seeing how desperate you are, I'll tell you something I've never said to anyone. Just out of pity," 

Ashlyn could have laughed at the expression on Umbridge's face.

Ashlyn lowered her voice to a whisper casting an air of mystery and grandeur.

"The weapon you are afraid of is within Hogwarts. But you can't do anything about it, no matter how hard you try. It's impalpable," Ashlyn said solemnly.

"Weapon?! What is the weapon?" Umbridge asked hurriedly, jumping to her feet. "Why is it impalpable?"

Ashlyn shrugged, as she walked out of the room, slamming the door behind her. Let Umbridge wallow in her ow  thoughts for a while.

Ashlyn went to the RoR and was on her way back to the Gryffindor common room when she felt someone, grab her uninjured hand and pull her into a classroom.

Her wand was out before the classroom door was shut, and she had hit the offender with 'Stupefy' straight at their faces.

The said person crashed into the desks knocking a couple over.

"Lumos," Ashlyn said shining light into the dark classroom.

Ashlyn sighed lowering her wand when she saw the offender. 

He deserved it all right. Git...

"What the hell do you want?" she snarled.

Draco Malfoy got up groaning. Ashlyn straightened the desks, ignoring Malfoy's pained grunts.

"Are you going to speak any time soon?" She said impatiently.

"You knocked me into the desks, you crazy bitch," Malfoy hissed.

"You are the one who grabbed me suddenly, you dick-for-brains fucktard," Ashlyn retorted.

"I just wanted to check on you," Malfoy muttered.

"You could have done without acting like a creep," Ashlyn fired. "And why on earth would you want to check on me?"

"Not on you," Malfoy said. "It's a bet, you see," he said.

"Sure, it is," Ashlyn scoffed.

"I and Zabini had a bet, you see. If your blood is really dirty. I said it was," Malfoy sneered.

Ashlyn could feel her eye twitching in annoyance.

"Umbridge's really sorting the school out, isn't she? Soon she'll get rid of all the mudbloods," Malfoy rambled on.

"Then the muggle lovers. Hogwarts will be cleaned off all that rubbish. Doesn't it sound wonderful?" he said smirking at her.

"Are you done?" Ashlyn said slowly, walking towards him.

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