Skeeter's first Article

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"Ashlyn! Wake up! Come on" Hermione called, shaking Ashlyn awake.

"Huh?" Ashlyn asked blinking sleepily as she sat up

"Really! You need to wake up. You'll be late," Hermione said

"I'm up! I'm up...I'm...up...Up..." Ashlyn said trailing off, and poof she was under the covers gain.

Hermione sighed exasperatedly.

"Ashlyn! Come on! Wake Up!" Hermione yelled, pulling the sheets away.

"Noooooo!" Ashlyn cried as she felt the sheets leave her.

"How could you, Hermione? How could you?" Ashlyn grumbled sleepily, as she was pushed out of bed by Hermione. "It should be a criminal act, I tell you. No one should dare to snatch the covers from someone when they are sleeping. It is a crime!" 

Hermione shook her head at her best friend's antics.

"What happened? You are usually up early," Hemrione said as Ashlyn pulled her robes on, who was now fully awake and more like herself.

"I don't know, Hermione," Ashlyn said.

"I'm so tired, Mione. I'm soooo tired~ I'm so worried, Mione. I'm soooo worried~" Ashlyn sang gloomily.  

"Me too, Ashlyn. Me toooo~" Hermione sang copying her.

Both girls sighed sadly and went down to the Great Hall, arm in arm.

As the entered the Great Hall, there was a lot whispering and weird glances as the went over to the Gryffindor common room.

"Hermione, is it just me or are people staring at us?" Ashlyn asked.

"It's not just you," Hermione said. "Its really uncomfortable" she confided.

"What's up?" Ashlyn asked as she sat beside Harry, who was totally sulking.

"How did the wand weighing go, Harry?" Hermione asked.

Harry groaned in reply.

"Terrible, I see," Ashlyn said, helping her self to pumpkin juice.

"Harry, do you know why they're all staring?" Hermione asked, looking around tentatively.

"Er...well...just something in the paper," Harry said trying to wave it aside

"Paper?" Hermione asked. "The Daily Prophet?"

"Wait!" Ashlyn said looking up sharply. 

"No way! Neville, can I borrow your Daily Prophet for a bit?" Ashlyn asked Neville, who nodded and passed her the Daily Prophet while looking extremely awkward.

"What did that Skeeter woman write now?" Ashlyn said as she straightened out the folded paper.

"How did you know it was Rita Skeeter?" Harry asked.

"Who else would write such utter bullshit?" Ashlyn said as her eyes scanned the page.

"Harry, since when were you twelve?" Hermione who was reading over Ashlyn's shoulder said.

Harry sighed.

"She spelled Krum and Delacour's names wrong" Hermione pointed out.

"Get your facts straight, woman!" Ashlyn yelled at the paper. "Cedric isn't even mentioned." she continued 

"Yeah, it's all me," Harry said sadly.

"Listen...I suppose I get my strength from my parents. I know they'd be very proud of me if they could see me now... .that they will be" Ashlyn read out from the paper, adding her own comments.

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