Shell Cottage

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Voices. The first thing she heard was incoherent muttering. Then the pleasant salty smell tingled her nose. Ashlyn's eyes fluttered open. A face swam into view.

"Ashlyn!" Hermione cried almost throwing herself at her, but thankfully she stopped. 

"Are you okay?!"

"You were brilliant," Harry said, his voice hoarse. "What would we do without you?"

"Probably dead the first day," Ashlyn sighed.

"Really, Ash. You were great," Ron chimed in. 

"Course I was," Ashlyn muttered.

Ashlyn sat up groaning, as the memory of the previous...Wait. How long had she been unconscious?

The moment she had thought this, Ron said,

"You've been out for a few hours,"

"Where's Dobby?" Ashlyn whispered. 

"Dobby is here Miss," Dobby's squeak answered. The next moment she saw a tray with a soup bowl bobbed towards her.

"Thanks, Dobby," she said. "If you wish you can go back to Mr Dumbeldore now,"

"Dobby is staying here, Miss," Dobby said chirpily and with a bow, he left the room.

Ashlyn looked at her bandaged left arm. Her right hand was bandaged too. Her head was still throbbing, and her body was aching all over.

"What exactly did I do?" she muttered. "Stupid adrenaline rush," 

She slowly unwrapped the bandage from her hand, slowly flexing her fingers. There was a faint scar stretched across her palm. This one was all her. Why in the nine levels of hell did she have to accio the damn dagger?! 

Then she moved onto her left forearm. 

Once the bandages fell off, she saw the word etched into her skin. Even Umbridge hadn't cut her skin so deep.


Ashlyn laughed.

Hermione, Ron and Harry who were looking at her with sorry expressions now jumped, alarmed at her reaction.

Ashlyn held up her arm to the light, admiring the artwork from different angles.

"I'm keeping this," she said brightly. "I'll wear it with pride. Maybe I'll change it into a tattoo, you know. Mudblood and Proud," 

"Where's my cloak?" Ashlyn asked, still beaming.

"Over there," Harry pointed. 

Ashlyn made to get up, but Hermione pushed her back down.

"Don't you even think of moving," she said. Tears were welling up in Hermione's eyes as she looked at Ashlyn in gratitude. She didn't have was not like Ashlyn didn't know what she was getting into.

Harry brought the dirty, bloodied robes towards her. Ashlyn grabbed them and dug into its pockets. Then she found it.

"Where's my wand?" was her next question.

Hermione handed it to her.

Ashlyn had to test it to check if it was the real one or the fake. The fake was probably left with the Snatchers, or maybe Harry, Ron and Hermione managed to get that too. 

The one she was holding was thankfully the real one.

She conjured a little glass vial, and then from the pockets, pulled out a few hairs. She put them in the vial and sealed it, then gave it to Hermione for safekeeping.

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