Confession 1

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Ashlyn was up early on Saturday morning. To her pleasant surprise, Harry, Ron and Ginny were up too.

"Morning," she said as she sat down on the armchair in the common room.

"Good morning," Ginny yawned.

"Terrible conditions," Harry said glumly looking out of the window. The rain was crashing down onto the windows. 

There was a collective sigh at this. 

Two hours later, they filed down to the Great Hall with their brooms, and as usual, were greeted by cheers of their supporters clad in red and gold. 

Ashlyn spotted Luna's infamous lion hat on her head and smiled at her. The blonde waved back brightly.

As they sat down at the Gryffindor table, Ashlyn caught sight of Draco. With a smirk, she waved at him and mouthed,

"Good luck,"

Draco smirked back at her.

Ooh, this was going to be fun. Ashlyn turned to Harry.

"Harry, make sure you get the snitch," she said.

"Last time I checked, I was the captain," Harry said crabbily. Ashlyn rolled her eyes.

The rain was crashing down and the cheers of the Quidditch enthusiasts were drowned out in the howling wind as they trudged to the changing rooms. Ron was looking particularly happy, and his good mood had everything to do with Hermione kissing him on the cheek, and wishing him good luck.

Ashlyn was pulling on her gloves as Ginny placed her foot on the seat and tied her boot's laces.

"Try not to ogle at Malfoy in Quidditch robes," Ginny smirked. "It can be hard to resist," she glanced at Harry.

Ashlyn raised her eyebrow incredulously. 

"Really, Gin, you want to go there?" Ashlyn said. "I've got my eyes on the prize, don't worry,"

"Which prize exactly? We need some clarity before we proceed," Ginny said as Ashlyn got up. 

She shot the redhead a glare and shouldered her broom. Ginny followed, grinning at Ashlyn's slightly pink face.

"Alright," Harry said looking around at his team. Then he sighed. He was never good at pep talks. 

"Let's do this," he said as thunder crashed outside.

"That's a good omen," Ron grumbled as he got up.

The cheers to which they had walked out onto the pitch was faint, owing to the thunder that was screaming louder. 

"Captains..." the rest of Madam Hooch's sentence was drowned out by the thunder.

Ashlyn raised her eyebrow pointedly at Draco and smiled.

On Madam Hooch's whistle, fourteen brooms rose to the air. Hooch released the balls.

Ashlyn caught the Quaffle and zoomed across the pitch, throwing it to Ginny who passed it to Demelza who passed it back to Ginny who scored.

Ashlyn whopped.

They couldn't hear the commentary because the wind was a bit too loud in their ears.

A bludger streaked past Ashlyn's head as she caught the Quaffle Demelza had thrown and flew towards the goalposts. 

She scored.

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