Once Again

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Hermione started explaining as they sprinted down the halls, Ashlyn silently wincing every two seconds. 

"This is a time turner. We've gone back three hours in time. McGonagall gave it to us on the first day of the year. This is how we've been getting to our classes all year."

"So we have to save Sirius and be back before anyone can notice we're gone?" Harry asked.

"And Buckbeak" Ashlyn said, trying to clear her throat. It hadn't got better, but she had gotten used to the pain.

"But — how will that help Sirius?" Hermione asked

"Dumbledore said — he just told us where the window is — the window of Flitwick's office! Where they've got Sirius locked up! We've got to fly Buckbeak up to the window and rescue Sirius! Sirius can escape on Buckbeak — they can escape together!" Harry said.

 Hermione looked terrified.

"Stop!" Hermione said as she pulled them behind a huge pillar.

Malfoy and his cronies were running into the halls. Malfoy's nose was broken and he was bloodied up. Gosh, that idiot always bleeds a lot.

"Not a word" the blond growled. They looked outside to see their past selves' retreating backs.

Ashlyn looked back for a second then said, "You guys go. I'll catch up" And she ran behind Malfoy.

"Why is she going to Malfoy?" Harry asked as they ran out into the grounds.

"I don't know. Maybe she feels bad for breaking his nose" Hermione panted as they made their way to Hagrid's hut.

Ashlyn, meanwhile, was running behind Malfoy.

"Malfoy! Wait," she called. This however alarmed him further and he ran even faster.

"The hell?" Ashlyn muttered. "Immobulus!" The spell hit Malfoy square in the back and he froze, Crabbe and Goyle ran away looking back just once.

Ashlyn jogged up to Malfoy, who was frozen on the spot. 

"Why the hell did you run, you bimbo?" Ashlyn panted, standing in front of him.

"What do you want?" Malfoy asked. He looked terrified.

Ashlyn stared into his face and then sighed.

"I just wanted to apologize and fix your nose," she said.

"What?!" Malfoy said.

Ashlyn lifted her wand again and pointed it at his face. Malfoy shivered, his face showing pure terror. 

"Will you drop it? You don't have to be scared. I just wanted to help you," Ashlyn said exasperated. 

"See. I'll release you, but don't run, okay?" 

Malfoy hummed in agreement and Ashlyn lifted the charm. Malfoy's first instinct was to make a run for it. The look on Clarke's face was still clear in his mind. She looked like she wanted to murder him. But he decided to stay. Who knew what she would do if he ran?

"Thank you for not running," Ashlyn said. Malfoy raised his eyebrows in surprise. 

"I was like super angry at that time and you just......you know.........got on my nerves. Anyway, I didn't mean to do that. I'm sorry. Let me fix you" She said as she raised her wand. Malfoy flinched instinctively. He looked into her eyes. Her amber eyes glinted apologetically.

"Don't move, okay. Episkey!"

He felt his nose grow cold, but it didn't hurt anymore.

"Let's clean you up. Scurgify!"

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