All aboard the Train of Misunderstandings 1

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"Ashlyn, you should stop spending so much time in the Pensieve," Hermione was telling her the next morning as they sat at the Great Hall.

Ashlyn nodded vaguely, fiddling with her bag.

"Ah, stupid shit," she groaned as she stuffed a toast in her mouth. She had forgotten a book. She could go get the book later...but she'd probably forget it by then.

Ashlyn sighed as she got up.

"I'll be back," she said and bolted. She'd better return with the book on time.

"Where's she going?" Harry asked looking at Ashlyn's retreating back.

"She forgot something," Hermione said, pulling the sugar bowl towards her.

"Oi! Listen," said a voice, that made all their heads swivel around.

Pansy and Blaise slipped squeezed into the seat Ashlyn had just left. Hermione had to move to the side to give them space.

"Does Clarke fancy someone?" Blaise asked leaning forward.

"Yes," Ginny said. "Why?"

Pansy and Blaise exchanged looks.

"Don't tell me it's a Hufflepuff," Pansy groaned.

"No, it's not," Ron said through a mouthful of porridge.

"That's a relief," Blaise said sarcastically. "It doesn't really matter if she already fancies someone, does it?"

"What are you talking about?" Harry said.

"Alright, listen," Pansy said with an air of finality. "I don't care who Clarke likes, but we are setting Draco up with her,"

"Excellent!" Hermione said brightly, leaning forward along with an equally gleeful Ginny.

"What? Don't tell me!" Blaise cried at the news. "Clarke fancies Draco? Really? Merlin's beard!"

"I told you," Pansy said contemptuously.

"Yes," Ginny said happily. "She just doesn't know it yet,"

"In denial?" Pansy sighed. Ginny and Hermione nodded solemnly.

"Then this is a great opportunity," Pansy carried on. "This coming Hogsmeade trip, you lot bring Clarke, we'll get Draco and ditch them together,"

"Where?" Hermione said, thinking.

Blaise took the bread slice Ron had offered him as the girls formulated a plan.

"Three Broomsticks? No, it will be too crowded," Ginny muttered under her breath. "How about Madam Pudifoots?"

Harry and Ron pulled a tired expression. Neither had a good experience there.

"It does have a date atmosphere," Pansy nodded. "Madam Pudifoot's it is,"

"Where's Malfoy anyway?" Ron said looking over at the Slytherin table. Harry, Hermione and Ginny looked up at this. They couldn't see the tuft of blond hair anywhere.

"We locked him in the boys' dormitory," Blaise said simply looking at his watch. "He should be here anytime soon,"

"We'll discuss this later," Pansy said as the Slytherins hurried away.

A few minutes later, Malfoy stormed into the Great Hall, looking livid, yelling at Blaise and Pansy.

They filed into the Potions classroom that afternoon and Slughorn got them working on another potion.

Within minutes the classroom was filled with fumes and vapours. Ashlyn looked up from her potion that was supposed to simmer for a while, and she looked around. Harry was managing to scrape past, Ron was inching on too, with Hermione's help. Pansy was whispering to Blaise who was nodding vigorously, glancing at Draco, as though checking if he was listening in. 

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