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Cedric was in the library. From where he was standing, he could see Ash sitting across Hermione reading and scribbling notes on a spare parchment. Cedric wanted to ask Ash out on a date to Hogsmeade but decided not to. He'd rather survive the first task and ask her later than ask her now, and then end up impaired or dead, with just one date. 

Sighing, he went back to searching for a book on easy spells. He would need anything that could help him. Krum was there too, but he didn't seem to be reading in particular, but he was staring at Ash's friend, Hermione Granger. 

Cedric couldn't help but look up at the table Ashlyn was sitting at. No matter how many times he moved, she was always in his sight. She would occasionally, talk to Hermione smiling and then go back to her work. 

Cedric sighed. He should be focusing on the first task, not this. He moved again to the aisle on transfiguration. Then again he had no idea what was the first task either. It couldn't hurt, could it? He looked up at the table he had been glancing at for the past fifteen minutes, but this time Ash was not in her seat. Cedric looked around for Ash. Where was she? She was there a few seconds ago.

"Looking for someone?" said an all too familiar voice

Cedric jumped a foot before he turned around.

"Did I scare you?" Ashlyn asked.

Cedric was trying to calm his heartbeat down from the fright, but it wasn't working. The fact that his crush was standing in front of him, smiling, an eyebrow raised and clutching a book, looking absolutely adorable wasn't helping either.

"Kind of," he said, sheepishly rubbing the nape of his neck, looking at his feet.

"Gosh, such a cinnamon roll," Ashlyn said chuckling.

"Cinnamon roll?" Cedric asked confused.

Ashlyn blinked. How was she supposed to explain that to him?

"Oh, it's just the slang or a name given to a soft-boi...that's a slang too...someone who is innocent and all sweet and nice," Ashlyn explained feeling really stupid. Why would she say something like that?

"I came to take a book on vanishing spells" Ashlyn continued, trying to hide the fact that she was slightly flustered.

"Homework?" Cedric asked

"Not exactly, I just wanted to read it beforehand," Ashlyn said

"So, Transfiguration is your favourite subject?" Cedric asked. 

"I'm not sure. I like all subjects. I do seem to have a partiality towards transfiguration. And Charms. And Potions. And DADA. At first, I thought DADA would be my favourite. But I guess it okay," Ashlyn said as she found the book she was looking for and pulled it out.

They moved out of the aisle.

"Were you looking up something for the first task?" Ashlyn asked

"Yeah," Cedric said showing the book he was holding.

Ashlyn glanced over at Hermione who was still working, and then she glanced at Krum who was still staring at her.

Cedric was however looking at her. She had this small sneaky smile on her face as she looked at her friend.

"Are you done here?" Ashlyn asked turning to Cedric who started slightly.

"Huh? Yeah."


"Yeah," he nodded.

"Okay! Wait here, I'll get my things" Ashlyn said before running off to her table.

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