St. Mungo's

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Just as Ashlyn had expected, Angelina drilled her out.

"You are as thick as Potter!"

"But I didn't do anything?! Umbridge just wants to get me!" Ashlyn protested.

"What about Quidditch! Three players already banned! And you go land yourself in detention!" Angelina roared.

"Well, anyway we need to get a seeker and beaters. I'll be back by the time you have the team complete," Ashlyn said. Angelina slumped into an armchair, frowning deeply.

"What about DA?" Ginny, who was watching the shouting match, asked Ashlyn.

"Harry will manage that," Ashlyn said.

"Yeah, but you were really good too. All that extra information," Ginny sighed.

"Isn't that extra information boring?" Ashlyn said. "I just say stuff because I have no idea as to what else to say," she confessed.

"But it's interesting," Ginny said. "Luna loves you, even Smith's okay with you,"

"Smith's okay with Harry too," Ashlyn said

"Smith hates Harry's guts," Ginny sighed. "We're gonna have to listen to his stupid comments again...I think he fancies you,"

Ashlyn scoffed. "Yeah right," she said sarcastically.

"No, really," Ginny pressed on. "Think about it. He usually has a sharp tongue when he speaks to Harry, but when it comes to you, he gets super submissive. This one time I happened to look in your direction, and you had just walked past Smith. I swear he looked like he had one of Fred and George's Puking Pastilles and was trying not to throw up,"

Ashlyn waved her hand dismissively. 

"Ginny, are you trying out for Seeker?" she asked.


"Well, congratulations," Ashlyn smiled.

"I didn't get in yet," Ginny said.

"Oh, well," Ashlyn shrugged.

Umbridge made her write a new line that day. 'I must respect my teachers'. And she kept Ashlyn at it well after midnight.

This went for two weeks, Umbridge trying to wheedle information out of her. 

Ashlyn being extra petty, dropping the black quill every two seconds, picking it up, dropping it again, sighing loudly. And all Umbridge could do was give her more lines.

The room was covered with decorations. Mistletoes, and baubles with Harry's face on it, a Christmas tree on the corner.

"Okay," Harry said, calling them all to order at the DA.

The door opened and closed.

"I thought this evening we should just go over the things we've done so far because it's the last meeting before the holidays and there's no point starting anything new right before a three-week break —"

"We're not doing anything new?" said Zacharias Smith, in a disgruntled whisper loud enough to carry through the room. "If I'd known that, I wouldn't have come . . ."

"We're all really sorry Harry didn't tell you, then," said Fred loudly.

Several people sniggered. 

"Sorry, I'm late," Ashlyn said lifting her disillusionment charm and appearing behind Harry, who jumped a foot. 

"Ashlyn!" he said exasperatedly.

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