End of the Year

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The Aurors were rounding up the Death Eaters. The members of the Order were with the others. Moody was checking on Hermione, Lupin was helping Neville and Ron, Sirius was checking Ginny's ankle, Tonks was lying unconscious on a stretcher, floating in mid-air.

Ashlyn ran her eyes through the crowd again. She had seen Shacklebolt with the Aurors. There was Neville, Ron,Ginny, Luna and Hermione. Then there was Lupin, Moody, Tonks and Sirius.

Ashlyn let out a sigh of relief as she made her way over to them.

"Gather round," she said as she levitated a piece of the stone wall. "Portus,"

"Let's talk later. After we get out of here," she told the others who looked like they were going to burst with questions.

Everyone gathered around the stone she was holding, Lupin holding Tonks, Ginny and Luna supporting Hermione, Neville staggering with Ron. With that, they left the Ministry.

"What is the name of Merlin?!" Madam Pomfrey gasped, as ten people suddenly appeared in the middle of the Hospital wing, two unconscious, others looking beaten and bleeding.

Ashlyn explained quickly, and listen out what she thought was wrong with the others, as far as she knew.

Madam Pomfrey pushed everyone onto beds and hurried around muttering furiously under her breath. She had gotten over the shock of Sirius Black turning up when the others hurriedly explained.

"Mr Moody, though you are an adult and fully capable of making your own decisions, I advise you to stay put," Madam Pomfrey had snapped at Moody who was trying to get up.

"And Clakre!" she barked. "Sit down!"

"I'm alright," Ashlyn said dismissively and continued pacing the floor, much to Madam Pomfrey's indignance and anger. But Ashlyn had other stuff to worry about. She was tallying down everything in her head. And the adrenaline rush wouldn't let her just sit at one place.

Ashlyn looked around the room.

Lupin and Sirius were talking, Ginny and Luna were up, and were sitting silently, as though running the events of the day through their heads. Hermione was still unconscious, but Madam Pomfrey said she'd be fine. Ron was snoring as he slept and Neville's nose had stopped bleeding and was back to its normal size. Moody was sulking as he lay on his bed. Tonks was unconscious too, Madam Pomfrey said that she might have to go to St. Mungo's. Harry must be talking with Dumbledore. All that screaming and crying won't happen this time. Sirius was still here. Maybe he would get a trial, and Harry would go live with him. Grimmauld Place would continue being the headquarters of the Order...

Ashlyn sighed.

"Glad everyone's safe," she said finally, as she went to a bed in the corner and got inside. 

"Thank you," Madam Pomfrey said testily.

"Safe?" Moody growled.

"Please do not lecture me on how we were reckless," Ashlyn pleaded. She didn't have the energy.

Moody gave a derisive laugh. "Reckless? What were you lot thinking? Going off to the ministry, fighting Death Eaters,"

"Harry had a dream," Luna said

"Dream?" Sirius asked, piping up at Harry's mention.

"Harry had a dream that Voldemort was torturing you," Ashlyn said simply, then started explaining.

"He tried contacting you, he tried the mirror, then the fire in Umbridge's office. Kreacher told him that you were gone, and Harry went all crazy trying to save you, so we took the thestrals; Luna and I can see them, you see. We got to the Ministry, went to the Department of Mysteries," she said quickly. 

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