No. 12 Grimmauld Place

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The first thing Ashlyn did that summer was to pack her trunk.

"What are you doing, cupcake?' her mum said standing at her door. Clothes lay strewn across the room, few folded carefully. Parchments stuck to the walls with notes on spells, curses, counter curses, and on different complex potions.

"No time, need to hurry," Ashlyn said shortly, as she remembered something, dropped the shirt she was holding and rushed to her table, dipped her quill in the ink bottle and scribbled away in the parchment.

Halfway through the summer, Mr Weasley apparated outside their door.

That evening was terrible.

"Ah, nice to meet you again," Mr Weasley said as he came in.

"Mr Weasely!" Ashlyn cried, she had run downstairs when she heard his voice.

"Ashlyn! How wonderful to see you," Mr Weasley said brightly.

"I've got my stuff packed. I'll bring it downstairs," she said and rushed back upstairs.

"What is going on?" Her mum asked.

"I take it that Ashlyn hasn't told you. She'll be staying at our house this summer," Mr Weasely said happily.

"She hasn't spoken to us much all summer," her mum muttered, thinking.

"I forgot! I'm so sorry, mum, papa. We've made plans, you know, me Hermione, Harry and Ron. We're going to stay at Weasley's," Ashlyn said trying no to make eye-contact with anyone, as she dragged her trunk to the living room along with Dawn's empty cage. Dawn had gone out last night and hadn't returned yet.

"Don't lie. Talk," Her father said sternly.

"I told you. I'm going to the Weasley's-" Ashlyn started.

"Ashlyn. Don't lie to us," Mr Clarke said again.

"I'll be waiting outside," Mr Weasely said and excused himself.

"What is it, love?" her mum said, bringing her to the couch and sitting beside her.

Ashlyn frowned at her feet. She had come up with elaborate excuses, that would work wonderfully if she just got the guts to tell them. Her best one was that they had O.W.L.s this year, and she, Harry, Hermione and Ron were studying early. Ron and Harry not that interested, but Hermione and Ashlyn wanted to get the best grades, hence them working earlier, and it would be better if all four of them were together.

She could lay out her plan, only if she could tell them. She had rehearsed this situation in her head for over a hundred times, but right now, not a single word came out.

Maybe it would be better to just tell the truth.

Ashlyn took a deep breath, and said, "There's a bit of a trouble back at our world, you see,"


"Yeah, like a top ministry official was killed, and this super large killer guy who was thought to be gone came back again, and we need all hands on deck," Ashlyn said

"So what?" her father said. "People die every day, criminals break out every day. And your lot can handle stuff like this. What does it have to do with you?"

"Papa, this guy's after Harry," Ashlyn said

Her mother gasped, "You don't mean the man who killed Harry's parents, do you?"

"Yup, the very same. It's going to be really dangerous from now, so maybe for the next few years, you know, it might be hard to spend a lot of time with you," Ashlyn said

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