f o r t y - t w o

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Word Count: 1037

Erin's POV:

I ran out the doors, I saw Anthony on the phone, looking concerned, I ran over to him

"Anthony what happened?" I asked, no reply

"where's Jaden?" no reply

"you're useless" I huffed and looked around, I saw all the guys, Bryce and Blake holding the guy back, I ran over to them, Josh saw me so he turned around and he almost ran into me wrapping me in a hug

"Josh where is Jaden? what happened?" I asked and he just hugged me tighter but didn't reply

"Josh please" I whispered but nothing, I tried to get out of the hug but once again his grip got tighter

"let's go back inside" he said holding my back and pushing me towards the building

"no Josh I need to see Jaden" I said before running towards the group, Josh was running behind me, I was at the group and I saw someone laying on the floor, I barged through Noah and Griffin praying that it wasn't Jaden, but of course my Jaden was on the floor, in a pool of blood. 

I, I had no words, I just fell to the floor next to him, sobbing, I pulled his head into my lap, I placed my forehead against his

"i'm sorry" i whispered

"i love you" i said whilst sniffling, I heard sniffled coming from around me so I looked up and I saw the boys had tears falling down their faces and the girls also crying, an ambulance pulled up right next to us and 4 paramedics jump out, they pushed me out of the way and placed Jaden on a stretcher, just the sight made me cry even more, they put him in the ambulance, the police pulled up and arrested the other guy and both the ambulance and the police car sped off in their own directions. Everyone's heads turned to me

"i'm sorry" i whispered still crying, Bryce came over to me and hugged me

"it's not your fault" he said turning me around

"but it is. had i just not said anything then we could have all continued skating, coming out in the first place was my idea" I sobbed into his chest

"it isn't your fault. Until Jaden saw red everyone was having a good time but J will be fine he is a fighter" he sniffled into my shoulder

"we should go to the hospital" Noah said to which everyone agreed, everyone started walking back into the building to collect their bags and shoes from the front desk, I just sat against a wall with my knees up, crying. I saw Ellie and Payton come out and look around before both of their eyes landed on me, they walked over to me and sat on either side of me, I lay my head on Ellie's shoulder

"you okay?" she asked me, i shook my head pressing my lips together

"how about we go and find out how he is doing" Payton suggested

"I want to I just don't if I can" i cried looking at Payton

"I know and it will be hard to see him but he needs you" He explained

"but he has you guys" I said, to which he chuckled

"you really don't see it do you?" he asked

"see what?" i asked

"Jaden might tolerate us but you" he cut his self off chuckling
"i have never seen Jaden like this before he is in total love, he adores you like oh god, if he- there isn't even a word to describe how he looks at you, he wouldn't want any of us if he could have you, he wants you" he explained

"i know he loves me and i- i- i don't have a word to describe how much he means to me" i said

"well everyone else realises and I think it's time us 3 get to the hospital" Payton said, I smiled and nodded Ellie and Payton stood up and Ellie stuck her hand out, i took her hand and she pulled me up

"let's go then" Ellie said before Payton, Ellie and I got in the car and drove to the hospital 

We pulled up to the hospital and got out of the car, I ran to the front desk

"hi um could you tell me what room Jaden Hossler is in please?" i asked as Payton and Ellie walked in trailing behind me

"he is in room 222 along the corridor turn left then another left and you'll be outside his room" she said smiling

"thank you" i said before walking down the hall, i took a left and then i took another left and sure enough i was outside room 222, Ellie and Payton came up behind me

"do you want a minute to..." Ellie trailed off, i nodded, i turned back to the door and took a deep breath before walking in.

I walked in and saw Jaden hooked up to IV and- i burst into tears, i placed my back against the door and put my hands to my head, i took another deep breath calming myself.

I walked over to the bed and looked at him, he was pale.

I  pulled a seat over to the side of his bed and just looked at him with tears pouring out of my eyes 

There was a knock at the door, I stood up

"Hi I was just coming in to check on Mr. Hossler" the older lady said, I just smiled the best i could

"um do you know when he will be able to come home?" I asked, she just looked at me 

"I'm sorry dear but he is in a coma" she said to me, my heart shattered, my legs went numb causing me to fall to the floor, my hands started shaking, my vision going blurry, my breathing becoming uneasy, that's was my break point, I broke down, screaming and crying, Payton and Ellie ran in and looked at me, Ellie started crying and turned to Payton, Payton who was on the verge of tears pulled Ellie into his chest

whilst Jaden lay there unaware of anything and everything

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