lover of mine - Lando Norris

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A/n: sorry again for the long time between updates, I have been super busy with uni atm

Word count: 451



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Lando knew that he loved you. He loved you more than he had loved anyone ever. You were truly his everything.

The time and the distance between the two of you was draining and he hoped every day that you would decide to stay with him. Lando knew you were unlikely to end it with him but he was still always nervous that maybe it would be one race weekend without him too many or the late night phone calls would become more and more annoying.

He had no reason to think that about the two of you. He had already made the mistake of giving you away before you'd even started dating. He had seen you in the coffee shop, four years ago and had fallen in love immediately. But he hadn't gone for it, he had been too nervous about rejection and so he watched as the most beautiful girl in the world walked out of his life.

He regretted it the moment it happened and it just happened that you had ended up in the same coffee shop at the same time two weeks later, long after he had already given up hope of seeing you again. He promised he would never let you get away again. Since being with you all the moments he tried to forget, all the bad races and the difficult decisions he had to make in the car, he kissed them all goodbye when he was in the comfort of your arms and that's exactly the way he wanted it to be.

Lando was knocked out of his thoughts by the key turning in the door of his flat. Your flat. His flat that you had moved in to last week. Finally. It had taken him a long time to get the courage to ask you to move in with him, his insecurities about being rejected pounded in his chest with his heart as he asked you and he could only smile in relief when you had jumped into his arms and said yes.

He watched you walk into the living room and come directly to him. You gently took his hands and he smiled widely at you when he realised you were trying to get him to dance with him in your new shared living room.

As he spun you around the living room, he became lost in the sight of you. Lando became distracted and took a look at his life whilst dancing with you gently in the light of the setting sun. In terms of the podiums and his racing career, they didn't matter to him at that moment. You were the only thing that he thought he got right.

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