Fake it until you make it - Mick Schumacher

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A/N: i'm so sorry I haven't updated lol, I've just been trying to finish uni which I now have. wild. So hopefully I can update a bit more....

This is for katehollander

I hope its ok!! so sorry its taken me almost 2 months ://

Word count: 798

You and your friends had been hanging around the paddock waiting for your friend, Mick, he was an F2 driver and you and him had been in the same friendship group for as long as you could remember

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

You and your friends had been hanging around the paddock waiting for your friend, Mick, he was an F2 driver and you and him had been in the same friendship group for as long as you could remember.

You knew everyone thought that you and Mick should be together but you had honestly never thought of him in that way. Yeah he was good looking but you can appreciate someone without wanting to date them!

You and your friends were chatting when Mick joined you and you congratulated him on his performance in the race, he hadn't won but second was always something to celebrate and you knew he was truly trying so hard to live up to his dad's legacy and that it got to him when he didn't perform the way he wanted to and knew the media would be comparing him to Michael the next day.

You gave him a hug when he reached your group and one of your friends, out of nowhere, suggested a bet that the two of you couldn't fake date and not catch feelings for each other.

Your competitive side took over and one look at Mick made you realise that he felt the same. You both laughed and agreed then held hands as you walked out of the paddock to start your fake dating.

You knew that you'd be able to do this, you'd been friends with Mick for 2 years and no feelings had developed so it would be easy.

The next day you woke up and Mick had suggested taking you on a date, to prove to your friends that you could do everything a relationship would do and not fall for him. He had suggested just a simple walk, a perfect first date you thought, and then shook it quickly from your mind. It was not the right attitude to have if you weren't going to fall for him.

You met Mick in the lobby of your hotel and you had to admit he looked very handsome in his simple short and shirt combo. You smiled at him and kissed his cheek to say hello, blushing slightly as you did so.

"You look great" Mick smiled before taking your hand and leading you outside. You only smiled in reply but felt the butterflies rise in your stomach.

You headed to the coastal area, it was only about an hour's walk there and back but it gave you both plenty of time to go on a real date and not develop any feelings for each other. Which would be the case, if you were actually speaking. Mick had been silent for the first 10 minutes of the walk and you didn't understand why.

"I can't believe they think we can't do this" you said jokingly

"I know" Mick laughed, "it'll be so easy to just stay friends" which stung slightly but you laughed it off.

"So how do you feel after yesterday?" you pressed, knowing that Mick usually spoke to you about how he truly felt, you weren't sure if he did that with anyone else.

Mick sighed, never good, "I feel ok, the media is saying the usual things, that I'm not really a Schumacher" he looked down and you grabbed his hand and interlinked your fingers.

"They don't know what they're talking about" you smiled reassuringly at him "you were great yesterday, everyone who was there knows that" you actually had no idea but you felt like it was the right thing to say.

"Yeah... maybe" Mick said quietly, he gripped your hand a bit tighter and smiled at you.

You had reached the beach this time and you decided to settle yourself in the sand. Surprisingly, Mick sat behind you and pulled you against his chest. He was really committed to this fake date thing, but you couldn't help and notice that you fit together very well and it made you feel safe tucked up against him.

He lent down and whispered in your ear "I have something to confess" You turned to look at him a bit nervous, no idea what it could possibly be about "I made our friends bet us to fake date so that you'd go on a date with me" It was his turn to blush now, and you couldn't help but smile at him.

You pressed your lips against his gently, and he smiled against your lips and kissed back. "That's ok" you said as you pulled away and smiled. "I guess this is all it took for me to realise I liked you too"

You smiled at each other and you settled in against his chest again, comfortable to just watch the waves crash against the beach together.

You owed your friends some money then it seemed.

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