Josslyn - Max Verstappen

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A/N: 3 so far. Don't think that is too bad going.... anyway, hope you're enjoying them

Word count:524

Word count:524!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You thought you were seeing Max Verstappen. That was the agreement you had come to anyway. You completely understood that he wouldn't commit whilst he was racing around the world and yes, ok, maybe you had caught feelings for a friend with benefits. The one thing they told you not to do. But you had not expected him to not commit you know?

You thought it was a formal thing to show that you didn't like each other too much but actually you were kind of exclusive?

That hadn't happened and you were kind of pissed off about it.

Your phone rang and it was Max. You sighed and knew you had to answer.

You reluctantly picked up but let him make the first move.

"listen" he started "it was just a one time thing I didn't think it would matter to you! we're just friends" and you sighed because you were JUST friends and yet you couldn't help that you liked him. You just wanted to forget about him and everything that you felt towards him.

"hello??" Max spoke again and it shocked you back into focus.

"you had to go and ruin it" you started and he tried to interupt but you continued instead "so you could get a quick fuck" you could hear his breathing quicken which meant he was starting to get angry but you were already angry and upset and you no longer wanted to talk to him again.

"I'm back tomorrow can we at least talk about it then?" he was shorter this time and clearly more wound up

"I won't make a big fuss, I don't want to fight with you, I just never want to talk again" you instantly regretted it once you had said it but it was too late. "I hope it was worth it fucking Josslyn" you continued.

Max was speechless on the other end of the phone. This was the first time you had ever seen him not manage to have a come back or even anything to say at all. Maybe you had gone too far this time. You hadn't meant what you said, you wanted to keep Max in your life regardless of what happened between you, you didn't know why it had to be so messy.

"Are you being fucking serious?" Max pulled you out of your thoughts again and this time you knew you had to save it.

"I really thought you weren't like the boys from before" you said, and the sigh from the other end of the phone alerted you that maybe he was sad about it too. "I guess I can't be mad because I was never yours" you continued. Curious to see where you thought you were going, seeing as you had no intention to make it about you being together before you picked up the phone. "goodbye Max, it's been fun," you said and hung up the phone before he had a chance to reply, bursting into tears in the process.

You wanted to put this behind you and forget Max Verstappen but something was telling you that you wouldn't be able to.

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