ghost of you - Charles Leclerc

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A/N: idk why I keep doing sad ones ngl, sorry gang. I have officially run out of requests so if you have any comment them on the prompts page! if not I'll just keep writing trash like this :)

Word Count:588



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Charles woke up. Alone. Again. He couldn't believe it. Your coffee cup was still on your bedside table and it was the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes. He sighed, he should probably start clearing things like that away but he couldn't even bring himself to sleep on your side of the bed so how could he take stuff that was yours and put it away?

He remembered the day you two moved in together, the t-shirt he found on the floor had made the memories all come rushing back. You had wanted to get out of your house for as long as he could remember. It wasn't that you didn't love your family it was just that you wanted to live with him so badly and he smiled sadly when he thought about how excited you had been when he had surprised you with keys and a house to match. You were angry at first that he had used his formula one money to buy a house, because you had always wanted to contribute but he had argued that there was no point him having all that money if he couldn't spend it on things like this. That would make you both so incredibly happy.

Although this was no longer your home, it was still the house he had bought for the both of you, to live in together and as Charles walked through the rooms, exactly the same way you had left them before you had left. It felt like he was walking through it with the ghost of you. He took a deep breath and a shot of truth hit him harder than any alcohol would have, you were gone and he didn't know what he would do without you.

Charles still didn't fully know why you had left. He thought you were both still so happy, he knew you found it hard when he was away but you had been making plans together to change that so you could join him for more of the races and you weren't here on your own for too long. He didn't even mind he missed you so much when he was away, he would have taken you to every race if you had agreed to it.

He continued walking through the house, he made it to the kitchen and thought about how young and dumb you both had been to move in so quickly together, he wasn't surprised you had left, you had probably found someone who made you much happier whilst he was away. He didn't blame you for that, he always knew he wasn't good enough for you but it still hurt to think about. Charles looked at the glasses in the sink and picked up a mug. It still had one of your lipstick marks on it, he brushed his finger over the faded outline of it, realising that eventually it would fade completely and there would be nothing left of you to remind him that this was a house for two.

He was shocked when he heard keys in the door. He hurried to the kitchen door, where he stood frozen as he watched the door open and you walk through it. You froze too when you realised Charles was in the doorway, you didn't say anything you just dropped the bag you had and closed the door behind you. He didn't know if this was a dream and he smiled at you anyway. Hoping that you had come home.

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