Halo - Daniel Ricciardo

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A/N: Really going to try and get some more out today, have like 6 ideas in the drafts we will see how many i can write tonight lol.

Don't forget to request stuff! I will try and do it relatively quickly!

Word Count:635



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You weren't interested in dating someone. Ever again really.

That was until Daniel came along. He changed everything about your life in truly the best way. All the walls you had built, slowly came crumbling down. Any time you needed anyone he was there for you and you didn't understand how you had managed to get someone who was so perfect to be your best friend.

You knew you loved him. That much was always clear to you. He was truly your angel who had come into your life when you most needed him. He had made you break every rule you had about falling for someone again. Namely that you would never fall for someone ever again. Yet here you were. Every Time you saw him you saw clearly his halo and how he had been sent for you.

You only wished he felt the same way. You saw him as your angel, your soulmate, but he had his own. His girlfriend had been his angel and his soulmate for the past year and although you and Daniel had met 6 months before they had, he was hers and she was his.

It broke your heart everytime and you hoped his halo for you never faded away as his feelings grew stronger for her. You didn't know what to do. It made you happy that he was happy but you couldn't explain the pain you felt when you saw them together.

You were at Daniel's house celebrating his recent P4. You were so happy for him, it was everything he deserved and knowing how close he was to a podium made it all the more important that this was celebrated so he continued his good results. You looked up and Daniel was embracing his girlfriend. You excused yourself outside. Maybe you should let go of the idea that he was your angel.

You stood outside on the balcony. The cold night air lifting your hair from your shoulders as you leaned over the side watching the city below you illuminated by the lights. You always felt at peace in the dark by yourself.

You jumped when you heard the door open and turned round to Daniel smiling slightly, the warm lights of the city lighting up his face and giving him a warm glow. You smiled back at him and then turned back to the city.

He joined you at leaning over the side. "how's it going?" he spoke softly like he was afraid of something.

"not bad thank you" you looked at him out the corner of your eye but he wouldn't meet your gaze. He looked nervous. "How are you?" you asked gently, unsure of what was going to happen.

There was a long pause, Daniel kept his eyes closed and the wind swirled around you, making you shiver slightly. You couldn't tell if it was because you were cold or apprehensive of his answer.

He finally turned to look at you. He placed his hand gently on your cheek and brushed his thumb in circles. "I love you" he whispered.

You met his eyes and were speechless. His thumb kept tracing circles on your cheeks but now they were burning hot, you had no idea how to respond. You didn't have the chance, Daniel continued talking "if i'm honest I always have" he said sheepishly "it only took for me to go out with someone else to realise my real feelings were for you" he grinned then, in true Ricciardo fashion and you knew he wasn't joking or trying to play a trick.

"i love you too" you smiled back at him "took you long enough" you joked, in an attempt to lighten the tension. He laughed and kissed you, and that's where you stayed with the stars shining above you.

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