3&7. Mick Schumacher

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A/N: alright gang. Writing about someone a bit different today. Big up. It's almost deadline week at uni so I'm going to try and get as many out of the way before I don't want to write because I'm too busy writing essays. Bear with.

This is for @MICKSCHUMI I hope it isn't too awful !

Word count:799

Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together

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Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together

"Are you flirting with me?" "You finally noticed?"

You and Mick Schumacher had been friends for as long as you could remember. You followed him around the world to all his races, being his biggest supporter and unfortunately, falling for him more and more as the days and months passed. Realistically you knew you couldn't be together, you had to leave soon for school which left him to explore the world, and the girls it offered, freely without you. It hurt you to think about but there's nothing you could do about it and you'd have to just be happy about whoever he ended up with.

You walked over to the garage where Mick was meant to be getting ready for his race. You didn't find him there though so you continued walking to his driver room and knocked. You didn't get an answer, you considered going in but you didn't want to bother him if he was in there so you went to stand by the car. Despite your best intentions you had become very interested in the car, studying mechanical engineering at university was hopefully going to help you get more involved in this anyway so you were just practicing and finding out as much as you could.

One of the engineers walked over to you "where's your boyfriend?" He asked whilst wiggling his eyebrows. You just rolled your eyes, you were used to this from Mick's engineers, you being around constantly gave people the wrong ideas.

You shook your head "I don't know where my friend is" you replied emphasising the friend. "Do you know where he is?"

The engineer shook his head "haven't seen him but when will you two get together? Everyone knows you two like each other apart from the two of you I think!" He laughed and walked away, leaving you blushing. There's no way that could be true.

You walked out of the garage and almost directly into the chest of Mick. Your breath caught in your throat when you smelt his oh so familiar scent. He had put his arms around you protectively as you walked into him and it was only now you looked up at him to find him smiling back at you.
"Hey" you said softly, wishing to stay in his arms for as long as you could "I was just looking for you"
"Well you've found me now" he laughed and you were so happy you could make him laugh, your favourite sound in the world. You two had stayed in your position, you close to his chest and his arms around you for what felt like forever, the garage fading out into the background until it was just the two of you staring at each other.
Suddenly you were over confident "apparently our friends have a bet going that we end up together" you raised your eyebrows at him and winked. You don't know what had made you say that to him but yet you had and you couldn't take it back now. You only hoped that you weren't misreading the situation, that you being in his arms meant he thought of you as more than a friend too, not him just being extra friendly.
He let go of you. Oh no, you'd truly fucked it now. Then he grabbed your hand and pulled you into his drivers room. Before you could say anything he had closed the door behind the two of you and had pinned you up against it with his body, his hands either side of your shoulders and his face unusually close to yours.
"Is that right?" He whispered, no need for him to speak any louder because of how close the two of you were. It sent shivers down your spine and you could tell that he knew as he smirked at you and pressed you against the door slightly harder.
You took a breath, the confidence from before had evaporated as quickly as it had appeared, and yet you felt oddly calm, you knew what you were going to say and you still hoped that you were reading the room correctly. You chuckled slightly and stood up straighter, trying to create some sort of distance so it didn't seem as if you were as flustered as you actually were. "Are you flirting with me?"
"You finally noticed?" Mick countered, which took you by surprise, how long had he been flirting with you and you'd just been reading it as friendliness? You didn't know what to say and so Mick took his opportunity to kiss you. You  kissed back and smiled without even realising. "So" he continued "would you be my girlfriend? We can work it out with school and everything I promise"

You just smiled and kissed him again. Everything felt like it had fallen into place.

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