you won't find me - Charles Leclerc

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A/n: thank you for 115k! i can't believe it haha

Word Count: 622



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Charles had noticed that you had been watching his instagram stories consistently despite it being two months since you'd broken up. It made him chuckle, he was clearly living in your head rent free. You'd been the one to break up with him and get with someone else almost immediately and yet there you were, almost every day, checking in on him. He'd even considered telling your new boyfriend about what you were doing. Originally he hadn't but towards the end of the second month it became too annoying and so he'd sent him a message but had never found out what had happened because of it.

He'd been hurt originally, he couldn't lie about that but once he had realised that you weren't over him and just pretending he felt a sense of gratification that he could still impact you in that way.

His racing had kept him busy and he was glad you had stopped trying to fuck with his life now that you were officially over. Eventually it became easier and easier to forget about you.

Charles was going to a club tonight, with Max and Daniel to celebrate a break in the racing schedule and have some fun. He checked himself in the mirror once more and straightened his burgundy shirt one last time before heading out.

The club was busy, Charles could barely move, or breathe for that matter. But it was fun. He'd been dancing with someone until he caught sight of you from across the bar. He cursed gently under his breath, you still looked absolutely beautiful in the red light, his chest felt tight all of a sudden, he hadn't expected to see you just yet.

Before he could comprehend what was happening, you had reached him and dragged him outside to speak on the balcony. The cold air swirled around the two of them and gave Charles a second to cool down from the hot club.

"I'm sorry Charles" you started, and he looked at you properly then, looking amazing, the lights of the city reflecting around you. He knew you'd always look nice in the right light. "it just wasn't the right time for us" you continued and he had to suppress a scoff.

"There will never be a right time" Charles fired back, feeling a surge of confidence. He had been practicing what he wanted to say to you, he just wasn't expecting to see you so soon, he hadn't finished his speech. You looked shocked at him, and he was proud that he hadn't just given in like you clearly expected him to. Charles thought he might as well continued as you looked at him speechless.

"You keep watching my stories" He said and you blushed furiously then, the red flashing across your cheeks and you looked down in embarrassment. "Stop it. Your face is getting kind of boring" He smirked at you, maybe he was doing better than he thought. You just looked at him with your incredulous eyes, this was not the Charles you had left two weeks ago and he was surprising both of you. "i'm sorry you're missing me but you'll never find me again".

Once he had finished speaking Charles turned to head back into the club. It was better this way, that he hadn't let you say very much, that way you couldn't lure him back in, he knew he wasn't as strong as he had put across to you. He just had one last thing to say "And maybe I shouldn't have told your new guy, but I did". And with that he left you alone on the balcony to think about what you had let go and how much you regret it.

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