32. george russell pt.2

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A/N: Ok so sorry this comes up before ones I published but I didn't want them separated. Also if you didn't want this too bad, 2 people asked and I wanted to.

Word count: 560


You and George had both made it back to the hotel. It had been a rather quiet car ride and you couldn't stop thinking about how you had felt when he pressed you against the garage wall.

You knew you were in deep trouble. Falling for a friend was never ideal and even more so when they had such a public platform as George. You'd been lucky so far that his fans didn't know about you, you avoided being on the TV in the garage and that had suited you fine for now. If something happened between you and George it meant you would have to join him in his public life and you weren't sure if that's what you wanted.

You shook your head as you stepped into the lift. You were getting far too ahead of yourself. You stared at the wall the whole time as it took you to your floor. You were on completely opposite sides of the hotel to George so he'd left you in the reception.

You didn't even know what to say to him in the car let alone if you see him tomorrow. You were crazy, of course you'd see him tomorrow you were here to watch him race. Especially after such a good qualifying. Your heart swelled as you thought about how proud you were of him as you walked down the corridor to your room. You knew it was all he deserved and thinking of his sweet smile just made you fall for him even more.

Someone was leaning against your hotel room door when you turned the corner. At first you began to worry because you didn't know them but you relaxed when you realised that you would recognise the Williams colours anywhere and more importantly the figure who wore them.

"How did you beat me up here?" You laughed which caused George to jump as he hadn't heard you approach.

"Hey" he smiled warmly and the butterflies started in your stomach "I thought we should probably talk about earlier" He continued and your mind began at 100 miles an hour as you tried to read his face. Was he annoyed it had happened? Was he here to end your friendship?

You tried to keep your cool and hoped your face didn't betray you as you smiled at him and let him into your hotel room.

George sat on the sofa in your room and you sat in the chair across from him. "So..." you said and laughed awkwardly.

"So," He continued and your heart jumped to your throat "I've been thinking that perhaps we would be better as more than friends" He said and you looked up at him catching his eye and noticing for the first time just how truly nervous he was. Like he was before a race.

You beamed at him and stood up, unsure of where your bravery had come from but not letting it stop you and sat comfortably in his lap facing him. George just watched you startled.

You laughed. "I would like that" you said and tangled your fingers in his hair. "Are we going to continue where we left off earlier?" You smiled reassuringly at him as you teased him.

He made you wait what felt like an agonisingly long time before he smiled and pressed his lips against yours.

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