morning - Charles Leclerc

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Word count: 686


You pressed yourself into Charles and continued dancing with him. The lights of the club only illuminating his face every so often making his expression unreadable. The alcohol surged through your blood stream, and you continued to sing along the songs whilst dancing with your boyfriend of 3 years.

You could say you had hit somewhat of a rough patch. You couldn't believe how much you had changed since you had started dating. You were all over each other and it was going so well, you really thought he was the one and his actions and words suggested he had felt the same. However, somewhere along the line something had changed. You couldn't even explain why but things became more distant and instead of spending time together you barely spoke. You knew he had noticed that you had realised he was looking at you differently.

But whilst you were in the club that didn't matter. His hands on your waist pulled you in closer and your heart hitched in your throat, but you didn't want to make it weird, you just wanted to bring things back to the way it was before. You knew your friends were watching and judging but you just wanted to enjoy the moment and deal with the consequences in the morning.

You knew you had to talk to him at some point, but you wanted to enjoy the moment and have him hold you close. You met his eyes briefly when the lights flashed across the club, and you knew the Charles you had fallen in love with was still there somewhere you just had to find each other again.

You shook your head you didn't want the drinks to blow everything out of proportion as they had a tendency to do so. Charles lent down and kissed along your neck before whispering in your ear "hold on to me" and you instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck and brought him in closer to you. "let's be the last to leave" he continued and that told you all you needed to know about how he was feeling the same way as you.

You continued dancing with Charles, your mind racing through all the different conversations you could have and how each of them could end. You wanted to enjoy the moment and you were sure it was only the drink that was making things unclear, nothing else.

Before long you were the last ones of your friends left and whilst you had enjoyed dancing with Charles, your mind raced with all the possibilities, and you were worried the anxiety would spill into alcohol induced tears.

"Should we go?" You asked Charles tentatively, knowing that once you were outside there was nothing saving you from the inevitable conversation about whatever was happening between the two of you. He nodded solemnly; his emotions written all over his face. You gulped nervously and grabbed his hand as you made your way to the exit.

You breathed a sigh of relief when you reached the cold air outside. It was far too hot in the club, and you hadn't realised how much you needed to cool down. Before you had a chance to say anything Charles had grabbed your head and pulled you in for a passionate kiss. You tried to convey everything you wanted to say to him whilst kissing him so you could avoid having the conversation and you hoped that this explained everything you wanted to.

You both pulled away breathlessly and instead Charles wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in close.

"Let's just save this for the morning hmm?" Charles said quietly, barely above a whisper. You thought you might burst into tears and so you only nodded in response. You stayed there for a few moments before Charles spoke again "we can get through this" he reassured the both of you and you pulled him closer. Grateful that he was saying all the right things.

You looked up at him again and pressed your lips against his gently, confirming that yes, we can get through this.

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